Saludos, queridos amigos de Steemit

Greetings, dear friends of Steemit

Para guiar a los nuevos usuarios del blockchain y a los no tan nuevos, es preciso que podamos entrenarnos para alcanzar el éxito y cosechar resultados deseados.

Para esto, hemos preparado una guía que sirva a los bloggers y sientan un apoyo desde la comunidad de como deben conducirse en steemit. Aquí les entregamos la primera Parte.

In order to guide new and not so new blockchain users, we need to be able to train ourselves to achieve success and reap desired results.

For this, we have prepared a guide to serve bloggers and feel a support from the community on how they should conduct themselves in steemit. Here is the first part.

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En Steemit se genera recompensa mediante la prueba de cerebros, por lo cual es importante procurar la exclusividad, originalidad y total honestidad Source

A continuación les comparto una guía densa de información relevante para que tus inicios en Steemit sean progresiva y sistemáticamente en crecimiento Notice Board of Newcomers Community Updated

In Steemit rewards are generated by brain teasers, so it is important to strive for exclusivity, originality and total honesty Source.

Here is a dense guide of relevant information to make your Steemit startup progressively and systematically growing Notice Board of Newcomers Community Updated


La Comunidad Newcomers es el ambiente idóneo para que los nuevos usuarios den sus primeros pasos a la par con el apoyo de las comunidades temáticas y de países que sirven como escenario para mostrar los talentos de cada bloggers.
En newcomers conseguirás el apoyo y la instrucción de los greeters quienes estarán para cuidar tus primeros pasos en el blockchain. Leadership: @cmp2020, @cryptokannon, @inspiracion, @steemcurator01, @radjasalman, @adeljose, @event-horizon, @heriadi, @endingplagiarism, @juichi, @ngoenyi, @wilmer1988, @tarpan, @tocho2

The Newcomers Community is the right environment for new users to take their first steps along with the support of the thematic communities and countries that serve as a stage to showcase the talents of each bloggers.
In the newcomers get the support and instruction of the greeters who will be there to take care of your first steps in the blockchain. Leadership: @cmp2020, @cryptokannon, @inspiracion, @steemcurator01, @radjasalman, @adeljose, @event-horizon, @heriadi, @endingplagiarism, @juichi, @ngoenyi, @wilmer1988, @tarpan, @tocho2

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Para el éxito en el área gastronómica es muy importante la prolijidad en el emplatado, y presentación o decoración de los platos.

Trata de ser lo más original posible para impresionar a los comensales y visitantes de tu blog, evita los excesos y enfócate en hacer algo sencillo pero elegante y con buen gusto.

For success in the gastronomic area it is very important the neatness in the plating, and presentation or decoration of the dishes.

Try to be as original as possible to impress diners and visitors to your blog, avoid excesses and focus on doing something simple but elegant and tasteful.


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Cada expresión artística es bienvenida en la plataforma, pero debes demostrar tu autoría, si es una Ilustración coloca el paso a paso acompañado de una selfie.

El plagio es totalmente penado en Steemit.

Crea contenido original y exclusivo, sorprende a los curadores con tus obras, la prolijidad y pulcritud sea tu bandera.

Every artistic expression is welcome on the platform, but you must prove your authorship, if it is an Illustration place the step by step accompanied by a selfie.

Plagiarism is totally punishable in Steemit.

Create original and exclusive content, surprise the curators with your works, neatness and neatness be your flag.


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En la medida de lo posible graba tus videos musicales en un lugar iluminado, procurando que también esté silencioso, de manera que podamos apreciar bien tu presentación de música. Usa siempre la etiqueta #music y #steemexclusive, en las publicaciones, por supuesto, haciendo algo fresco, novedoso y exclusivo para esta red social. @yrmaleza

As far as possible, record your music videos in a well-lit place, making sure it is also quiet, so that we can appreciate your music presentation. Always use the hashtag #music and #steemexclusive, in the publications, of course, doing something fresh, new and exclusive for this social network. @yrmaleza

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Siempre es crucial tener fotografías frescas, estas que sean lo mas nítidas posibles. Cuando comienzas a nadar en este ecosistema cada fotografía es importante, procura tomarlas en diferentes ángulos y con buena iluminación.
Una excelente recomendación es que cuando estés realizando tu publicación le coloques a cada de tus fotografías la descripción y la ubicación de donde fueron tomadas con Whats3word. Esto embellecerá tu publicación dándole un mayor valor.

It is always crucial to have fresh pictures, these should be as sharp as possible. When you start swimming in this ecosystem every photograph is important, try to take them in different angles and with good lighting.
An excellent recommendation is that when you are making your publication you put the description and the location where they were taken with Whats3word to each of your photographs. This will beautify your publication giving it a greater value.


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Queremos leer las mejores producciones literarias, destácate en el género que más te guste, sin dejar de lado la gama de opciones que contiene el arte de escribir. Nunca publiques algo que no te pertenezca sin citar la fuente de dónde lo extrajiste; esto podría dañar tu carrera como blogger en esta plataforma y en cualquier otra. El Plagio es dañino en todas sus presentaciones.

We want you to read the best literary productions, focus on the genre you like the most, without leaving aside the range of options that the art of writing contains. Never publish something that does not belong to you without citing the source from which you extracted it; this could damage your career as a blogger in this platform and in any other. Plagiarism is harmful in all its forms.


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  • Mantente en constante actualización, en estudio de lo que te interese aprender, el conocimiento cobra valor en el ecosistema.
  • Pasea por las distintas comunidades de Steemit y consigue tu lugar para aportar conocimiento, inversión mediante delegación de Steem Power y nunca dejes de crecer.
  • Los clubes que nos sugiere Steemitblog son una maravillosa herramienta para desarrollar un blog monetizado.
  • Keep yourself constantly updated, study what you are interested in learning, knowledge is valuable in the ecosystem.
  • Go through the different Steemit communities and get your place to contribute knowledge, investment through Steem Power delegation and never stop growing.
  • The clubs suggested by Steemitblog are a wonderful tool to develop a monetized blog.

#club100: consiste en activar el 100% de todas las recompensas recibidas durante un periodo continuado de al menos 3 meses (90 días). Ejemplo: si has conseguido 100 steem en recompensas, debes encender 100 steem.

#club100: consists of activating 100% of all rewards received during a continuous period of at least 3 months (90 days). Example: if you have earned 100 steem in rewards, you must turn on 100 steem.

#club75: consiste en encender el 75% de todas las recompensas recibidas durante un periodo de al menos 2 meses continuos (60 días). Ejemplo: si has conseguido 100 steem en recompensas, debes encender al menos 75 steem.

#club75: consists of lighting 75% of all rewards received during a period of at least 2 continuous months (60 days). Example: if you have earned 100 steem in rewards, you must light at least 75 steem.

#club5050: consiste en encender el 50% de todas tus recompensas recibidas, durante el último mes (30 días). Ejemplo: si tienes 100 steem debes encender 50 steem.

#club5050: consists of lighting 50% of all your rewards received during the last month (30 days). Example: if you have 100 steem you must light 50 steem.

#clubdolphin: Para todos aquellos que alcancen 5000 SP o los múltiplos de 10k doble delfín, 15k triple delfín, 20k cuádruple delfín.... hasta alcanzar los 50k y pertenecer al deseado #cluborca.

#clubdolphin: For all those who reach 5000 SP or multiples of 10k double dolphin, 15k triple dolphin, 20k quadruple dolphin .... up to 50k and belong to the desired #clubdolphin.

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  • Our team and moderators are an indispensable piece. We invite you to meet them

Moderator Steemit Users
@oneldoors In charge of gastronomic Mondays and charity projects #recreative-food
@nelsondoor Tuesday arts and crafts manager. Our cartoonist #recreative-art
Who is every Wednesday giving appreciation to the musicians of the community. #recreative-music
Apart from being the designer of our corporate image, she is in charge of Adventure Thursdays. Do not miss it!!! #recreative-adventure
Our dear @bellana is always attentive to the verification of users and new delegates. She is also in charge of photography Fridays #recreative-photography
@yrmaleza She is one of our editors, besides she is in charge of the literary movement of the community. Bring your writings every Saturday, here we like to read #recreative-literature
@graceleon She is the founder of this wonderful space. Being our Country Representative in Argentina, she works as a tireless piece within the entire platform. He is in charge of moderating our Sunday forum #recreative-forum

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Publication editor
These are our social networks


50SP 100SP 150SP 200 Sp 250SP 500SP 1000SP

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