Legend: why swans mate for life? by @papi.mati


One year ago, I prepared as the birthday gift for Jorge, my boyfriend, a mini-book where I wrote him sixteen stories - legends from Poland. He used to love me telling the story before going to sleep, so I thought it would be a nice accent to write it down and present it to him to have a goodnight story even if I am not around.

It's the legend, so obviously it's not the story I created, but it may vary a bit from the versions that other people know. I wrote it on my own, with my words, in a way it was said to me when I was a child and how I remembered it. The story will be about unconditional love and final sacrifice. Personally, I consider it very beautiful.

Why swans mate for life

A long, long time ago, when magic was still present in this world, Prince Waromir went hunting with his friends to the nearby forests of Wałcz. These areas were rich in beautiful nature and encouraged people to rest, so the prince ordered to set up a camp to stay a few days.

Near the camp, there was a fishing village known as Wałcz. Many beautiful girls lived in this town. The most beautiful of them was Radomiła, the daughter of a good fisherman. Every morning Radomila had the habit of going to the forest to pick fruit for herself and her family. She visited the forest also the day the prince was hunting, and seeing the smoke that
towered over the camp she said to her friends, she will go see what was on fire. As she got closer she noticed that the prince and his friends were sitting next to the fire, drinking alcohol and telling happy stories.

At that moment the prince heard a cracking sound, so he ordered the guards to check what was causing it.
The girl tried to escape, but the armed men quickly grabbed her and carried her to the prince. Waromir looked at her scared face and immediately ordered to let her go. He approached her and stood in front of her face. Her eyes were shiny and her heart beat faster.

"Forgive me for the behavior of the guards, we thought that they were thieves, "said the prince. The girl was silent, looking at Waromir with delight. They both already knew they were in love with each other.

-My lady, I am the Duke of Pomerania, Waromir, what is your name?
-Radomiła - replied the embarrassed girl
-I came to the forest to hunt wild animals but honestly, right now I do feel hunted - said the prince. After a moment of silence, he added - Ma'am, accept and be my wife.

The girl didn't say anything, she just nodded to suggest that she agreed. At this point, Waromir gave her a beautiful ring. Radomiła also gave a ring to her chosen one. He was not as beautiful as the one from the prince, but for Waromir it didn't matter.

-Let's not wait too long - The prince said - I leave you with two of my warriors. Today I will go to my castle and ask my father to prepare everything for the wedding.

These words caused such joy in the heart of the girl that she threw herself on the neck of the chosen one.
When the camp was preparing to return to the kingdom, Waromir and Radomiła were speaking a lot and walking along the nearby lake. The prince promised that Radomila would not wait long and he will return before the new moon. Servants approached and told the prince that everything was ready for the way. Waromir said goodbye to his chosen one with a kiss on the hand and then left.

Radomiła, delighted and happy, returned to her hometown. She told her parents everything that happened. They were proud and happy.

Time passed slowly, Radomila was preparing to go to the castle: she prepared a beautiful white linen dress and she packed her belongings. Unfortunately, the prince did not appear. On the night of the new moon, Radomila was filled with pain, dressed in white clothes, she put a wreath on her head and went to the lake where she met the prince. Your future bridesmaids went with her, replacing the warriors delegated by the prince of her to accompany her.

Warriors had not appeared in the area for a long time. The girl was afraid that they had received an order to return and that there would be no wedding. Sad and crying, she looked at the lake. Then some large birds appeared nearby.
Radomiła saw these beautiful creatures for the first time. They were all snowy white with long necks and red beaks.
They were swans.

The birds came out of the water and approached her. The Bridesmaids tried to push them away, but the girl said no.
Most of the swans stopped by the lake. Only one of them got close enough to the girl to see him without any problem. He lifted his majestic wings. Then, on one of the wings, Radomila saw a ring that she had given to the prince. She looked into the bird's eyes, in which she recognized Waromir. She cried and ran into the forest. The sad Waromir returned with his companions and sailed deep into the lake.

Radomiła knew what she had to do. She heard about the witch who lived near the other lake. After a long walk, she came to an old log cabin.

"Come in, girl, I know what brings you here," said the old woman as Radomila opened the door.
-Ma'am, tell me what happened and how it can be reversed. I beg you! - said the girl with tears in her eyes.
-Do not cry girl, because I see that you will unite again with your chosen one - The old woman answered.
These words made her feel much better. She smiled slightly. Meanwhile, the old woman mixed the herbs and she threw them into the fire.
-I see the prince entering the castle - the witch began her story - The prince told his parents about meeting you. His father asked to get ready for the wedding and the departure, so they could go for you and take you to the castle. But not much time after that, the castle was attacked by the sorceress-witch

She noticed that the prince was in love with you. Oh, how jealous she was, as she never knew how to love somebody unconditionally. She wanted to own a prince, force him to love her by fear and control, but she couldn't do it. Angry, she cast a spell on the prince and his companions who knew where you lived. The father king banished the witch from the castle for this fact and he tried to find you, but he never succeeded.
-Lady, I will do everything, but I beg you, disenchant my love - Radomila sobbed.
-I would accept your gift, but my spells will be useless.
-Then change me so I can be with the one I love as promised: for better and for worse.
-I can do it and if it is Your will, let it be done - the witch mumbled the spell, she cast a few herbs to the fire, and ... she quickly turned Radomila into a swan. Swan left out from the witch's hut and flew straight to the lake. She landed right next to Waromir, who immediately recognized her fiancée.

From that day on, they lived together not as humans but like birds.
The love of these two has caused the swans to mate for whole life since then.


Thank you for reading,

The legend comes originally from this region and was written in my words from the stories I have heard. It is possible that some details vary in different versions, as it often happens with stories of this type.

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