Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!
After reading the amazing Lego build posts by the great sir @galenkp, any news about Lego gets my attention and the other day I saw an article that REALLY got my attention fast!
A guy built a massive, custom, Star Wars ship after Darth Vader's Star Destroyer in Star Wars: A New Hope. This thing is 56 inches long and weighs 70 lbs!
He posted a 45 photo gallery on and goes by the name of Doomhandle. His model has 3 levels and dozens of figures.

All material are official Lego pieces. Unfortunately he doesn't say how long it took him to build it but you can tell this was a real labor of love and I'm guessing he's an engineer.
I'll just show you some of the photos and you can go check out the whole collection if you want to.
This is inside the Command Bridge:

Here's a conference room on Level 3:

Sith meditation chamber beside the conference room with a Dark Side Adept receiving orders from the Emperor's hologram. Light sabers are behind panels in the wall as pointed out:

Level 2 with gunnery, sensor stations etc:

More of Level 2 with medical bay, engineering stations, armory:

Check out a closer look at the incredible medical bay:

Level 1 overview:

Canteen in Level 1. lol:

Level 1 cargo and detention center:

Hanger bays in Level 1 carrying four probe droids in the forward bay, a Sentinel class shuttle and 2 TIE interceptors:

Close up of the shuttle:

Here's Doomhandle's build from the rear, he took some creative license:

And here is the official Lego Start Destroyer rear view:

The official Lego Star Destroyer is 43 inches long, has 4,784 pieces, comes with 2 figures and costs $700!

You can see all of Doomhandle's photos here
Obviously I only hit the highligts.
I don't know if he's done any other builds but I think he should be working for Lego!
Front shot of Doomhandle's build:

Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!
PS- Check out this real life Lego man! lol...this guy, Frank Ippolito, created this Lego head using 14 pounds of silicon and he also made plastic hands.

He went to the San Diego Comic Con and was a big hit with the kids1

Kinda freaky!