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Cats, the best choice for pets

Here are some reasons I’ve discovered why cats should be kept as pets.


Cats tends to be very clean animals.
Cats spend much of their time grooming themselves, so you will rarely have to bathe your feline friend. Compared to dogs, cats tend to smell much better. Unlike dogs, your cat won’t go outside and roll in unpleasant things or pick a fight with a skunk. Because cats are so good at keeping themselves clean, they usually feel softer and cleaner than dogs and many other animals when you pet them.

Cats are quite animals.
Even the loudest, most insistent meows are much quieter than most barks. Even when your cat is trying her hardest to annoy you into giving her extra treats, her meow sounds are adorable. You will never have neighbors complaining about your cat meowing too much. It’s hard to be annoyed by such cute little sounds.

Cats are low maintenance, no much cost for maintenance
Kitties are much more self-sufficient than other pets, particularly dogs. Cats don’t need to be taken outside multiple times a day for bathroom and exercise walks. Cats also don’t require nearly as much training as dogs. Cats are also self-cleaning.

Though cats still need love and attention just like dogs, they don’t require quite as much interaction as dogs. A cat is content to curl up next to you while you work, while a dog may demand your undivided attention. Cats can also be left home by themselves while you are at work and are much less likely to destroy your house while you are gone.

Cats can be kept indoors always.

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Cats don’t need to be taken outside in the middle of the night to do their business. While no one enjoys cleaning the litterbox, it is still much easier and less of a burden than having to go outside in the darkness or bad weather and having to carry around little baggies of your fluffy friend’s waste until you can get to a garbage can.

Cats are small enough that they can get plenty of exercise indoors, especially if you have plenty of vertical spaces for your feline friend to climb. Since cats don’t need to go outside, they will also never track in mud after you have just finished mopping the floor.

Cats Are Super Easy to Potty Train
Most kittens already know how to use the litter box as soon as you bring them home. Even cats that were born stray or feral instinctively know to bury their waste after going to the bathroom. The most you will have to do to potty train your new furry friend is to show her where the litter box is and show her how to dig in the (clean) litter using your own hand.

Cats Protect Your Home From Pests.


The mere presence of a cat is usually enough to keep mice and rats away. If a rogue rodent does find its way into your house, however, your cat’s natural predator instincts will kick in. Though it can be gross finding remains of your fluffy friend’s hunting victories, it still beats having vermin running lose through your home.

Cats are also excellent hunters of insects, keeping your home safe from moths, houseflies, and other creepy crawlies (be warned, however; some types of bugs aren’t very tasty to cats. Your cat probably won’t do much to keep ladybugs out of your home.)

Cats are easy to entertain.

Cats Cost Less Than Dogs
The initial adoption fee for cats and kittens is often less than that of dogs. More importantly, cat food, cat toys, and other cat supplies are also generally cheaper than the equivalent for dogs. Cats are smaller than most dogs and require fewer purchases. Vet care is also often less expensive for cats than for dogs.

Cats are usually perfectly happy with “toys” that don’t cost anything. My cats’ favorite toys are cardboard boxes, milk jug rings, and those silicone bracelets that you get from donating a couple of dollars to certain charities.

Get two cats so they can keep each other company while you're away.
Get two cats so they can keep each other company while you're away.

Cats Can Be Left Alone Longer Than Dogs
Because cats don’t need to be taken outside to use the restroom, they can be left home alone all day while you are at work without having to worry about coming home to any nasty surprises on your living-room carpet. Cats are also less prone to separation anxiety, so they can tolerate being home for longer periods of time without their human (though it is still best if you have a pair of cats to keep each other company).

Cats can even be left home alone for a couple without a pet sitter if you are going to be gone all weekend. If you leave enough food and water and have enough litter boxes, they will be just fine for a night or two on their own.

Cats can be left alone all day. They will probably spend most of the time you're at work sleeping.
Cats can be left alone all day. They will probably spend most of the time you're at work sleeping.

Cats Are Ideal Apartment Pets
If you live in an apartment, you are more likely to be allowed to have a cat than a dog. Many apartments don’t allow pet dogs but will still allow tenants to have a cat or two. Cats also take up less space, so they will be happier living in an apartment than a dog would, especially larger breeds.

Because cats use the litter box and don’t need to be taken outside to use the bathroom or to exercise, it is easier to keep a cat in upper-level apartments than a dog as well, as you won’t need to bring it down the stairs multiple times a day.

As mentioned above, cats are fairly quiet compared to dogs, so neighbors in your apartment building won’t be bothered by a cat’s meows like they may be by a barking dog.

Cats can be cuddly and affectionate.

Cats Are Excellent Companions
Cats like to be where their favorite humans are but are often less needy than their canine counterparts. Cats are usually content to sit quietly near their favorite human while they work or read a book. There is nothing better than a cat purring on your lap after a long day. Cats can be just as affectionate and loving as dogs but aren’t as high maintenance.

Both cats and dogs are wonderful pets, but cats are much easier to care for.
Both cats and dogs are wonderful pets, but cats are much easier to care for.

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