Contest | Color palette | LILAC FLOWERS!

Hello friends! I decided to join the contest organized by my colleague @olesia. When I was on an excursion with my family in the city of Tarnovo, walking in the old town, I noticed a flowering plant that reminded me of my childhood. It was the garden clove. His specific and divine aroma was wafting.


Among the wide variety of flowers on our planet, the carnation occupies a special place. A slender and noble flower has inspired romantic natures for many centuries. Many poems and songs have been written about him. Often in them, the carnation appears as a symbol of nobility, purity and even a companion of care.


Since ancient times, people have noted the healing properties of a charming flower, so they used it to fight diseases. The plant was credited with miraculous powers, prompting people to take it on the road or keep it as a home treasure. In accordance with Greek myths, the flower was considered a part of a person and symbolized the manifestation of noble qualities.


It is so nice that caring people carefully look at the plant kingdom around us. Their admiration is reflected in songs and poems that have long remained on the lips of several generations. What attracts a primary carnation to itself? Its originality.
Interestingly, the flower was named "carnation" by German plant researchers. The reason for this was the exquisite smell that the plant emitted, reminiscent of the oriental spice of the clove tree. In fact, the plants have nothing in common.


The famous Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus, delighted by the unusual flower, gave it the name "dianthus". Translated into Russian, it means "divine flower". Today, there are over 300 different species of carnations in their natural habitat. All of them are classified as annual, biennial and perennial plants, which have different characteristics. The only thing that unites them is the shine of graceful buds. The calyx of the bud has the shape of a miniature cylinder. In its upper part there are 5 tile petals of different colors. They surround ten fine stamens and a slender pistil. Each petal has a velvet base, the edges of which are decorated with an original fringe. A truly majestic flower! Despite the majestic beauty of garden flowers grown to decorate lawns, wild varieties are no less attractive. The clove herb has been used as a garden decoration for a long time. Historians say that it was grown in the flower beds of the famous monarchs of Europe even before our era.

contest link 🔗 @olesia/contest-or-color-palette-or-lilac-flowers
Organised by @olesia

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