Contest "View From My Window" #26

Welcome everyone to Round 26 of this delightful contest, View From My Window, hosted by @strecoza. Find out more about this here. Read up and join us in the fun.

The photos below are from one of the windows of my bedroom. I actually have 3 bedroom windows. Two on one side and one in front, facing the garage. I installed sliding glass windows on all three with aluminum mesh to reinforce the screen.




There's nothing much to view from this window. It faces the wall, that of mine and the neighbor's. My wall is the one painted white. The wall behind is my neighbor's. It's quite high because my neighbor has a two-storey house while mine is simply a bungalow type structure. They actually did not plaster their wall so it looks unpleasant. And also because it is very high it blocks the view of the sky and the morning sun as well. The space between the wall and the window is also where we hang our laundry. You can see some laundry wires with clothes pins in the photos above.

Recently, there's another view that I get to see during the day. My adopted kittens! There are three of them and they have grown quite a bit that they can now jump over to the window ledge and hang around there, looking in to check on me from time to time. These kittens were abandoned and placed inside a box. My wife and I found them and my wife felt so sorry for them. So we took them home.

The photo below shows the kittens when we brought them home, still inside the box. We placed them inside a cage just until they get familiar with us and their new surroundings.


They now are broken in and they are free to wander about our garden. They are everywhere I look. On my window ledge, on top of our temple tree or just around the garden.



And that's it for this post. Oh, by the way, if you are wondering about those airplanes sticking on the glass window on the third picture of this post, those are my grandson's. He stuck those planes there so he can see airplanes in the window. Thanks for dropping by. Good luck to the other participants and may you all stay healthy and safe. May peace be with you all Ukrainians.

(All photos are mine.)

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