My pets, two bunnies named Bunny and Muñeco


Hello friends, it is a pleasure for me to show another of my pets. They are two very sweet and friendly bunnies. One is called Bunny and the other Doll.


They are two very playful and friendly rabbits, they are a love as you can see in some photos below. although to me, when I had them in my room they made me a disaster. 😂😂


However, we love all pets even if they turn our house upside down.


My craziest experience with them was that I had them in a cage, because they were very naughty, but when I was there they were loose. The biggest one, bunny, escaped from me looking for a bush to eat but I didn't realize it.


Just until I hear a little sound they make. It was like I was scared and I started looking for him, when I found him, he was in the bushes of my garden full of spider webs.


He was really scared by those spider webs, what really would have gone through his head, I don't know, but I imagine he would also be afraid of spiders, they say that pets look like their owners, well, I told them I'm scared, I guess they are too.

I want to invite my friend @sunmary to participate in this contest

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por @roselys en isla de Margarita, Venezuela, con mi teléfono celular realme c11

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