My pet - week 3

Hello, my dear steemian friends, I am @senehasa from Sri Lanka. This is my first entry into your community. Last night, @disconnect after reading one of the posts on our baby squirrels, forwarded me a contest link that was organized by Ukraine on Steem. I am grateful to @disconnect for making me aware of this contest and to @o1eh for organizing such a lovely contest.

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When I opened my front door one early morning on April 2nd, I saw a small creature on our verandah. At first, I thought it was a tiny rat, but he suddenly ran up to me and climbed on my leg. When I picked it up in my hand, I found that it was a baby squirrel. I called out to my husband and showed him this tiny squirrel. He was also very surprised to see this tiny creature early morning on our doorstep and said that it might be one of my former life relatives.


The baby squirrel gently sucked my finger when I brought it closer to his mouth. I noticed that he was quite hungry, so we fed him with some baby milk that we purchased from a shop. I fed him the milk with an old nosal tube bottle.


It was dangerous to release him into the trees, becasue it was too small. If so, it's life will end after being attacked by another creature. Therefore, we decided to raise it until he grownup before giving him away. My son wants to get the custody of baby squirrel as he has such a special affection for animals.


After reading an article about squirrels raised in homes, we later gave him goat milk mixed with yogurt. He now acts as a pet bully. We give him milk every three hours. Now he drinks three or four tubs at a time. He has no patience until we filled the next pipe. When the milk in the tube ran out, not given the chance to fill it. He grips the tubes firmly with both hands, similar to a young baby. It is amazing to look him drink milk.



He was just a tiny baby when we originally got him in the first week of April, but he has developed significantly. He may be about six weeks old now. When we travel on a trip as a family, we carry him in our handbag.


My son works as an engineer for a software company. When he works from home, the baby squirrel wanders around on his desk and his body. My son and the squirrel became quite close now, and my son would frequently carry the baby squirrel on his body.





We initially only gave him milk, but after reading the article, we started giving him nuts like pumpkin seeds and peas, even if it is only done once each day.




We want him to develop and give away to his world. Therefore, we slowly train him to climb trees. When I kept him on the tree that was in the middle of our house, he silently stood there in fear without moving here and there. But as soon as we place him on a flat surface, it begins to run fiercely.



Now he is very tame to us and runs throughout our bodies. He does office work with my son in the afternoon time. We feel pleasure and light when we looked at our baby squirrel.





I appreciate you taking the time to read about my baby squirrel.

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