"Kids of the world" by EK Pabel


Frist of all Greetings to members of the #ukraine community . And Thanks to @olesia for Who organizes this contest for us. For this contest I give A poem that touches your heart Name "Kids Of The World" Written by me .

"Kids of the world"

EK Pabel

Kids of the world, with laughter and cheer
So full of life, a joy to hear,
Innocent and pure, a precious sight
A future so bright, so full of light.

With curious minds, always exploring
Their imaginations constantly outpouring,
From playing in fields, to building with blocks
Their creativity knows no bounds or stops.

In every corner, of every land
These little ones, they take a stand,
For justice and peace, love and care
Their hearts so big, beyond compare.

Their laughter contagious, their smiles so wide
Bringing joy to all, wherever they stride,
So let us cherish, these gifts so rare
And guide them always, with love and care.

For they are the hope, the future we seek
With them, a better world, we can achieve,
So let us hold their hands, and guide their way
To a brighter tomorrow, come what may.

Their laughter a song, so sweet and so true
Bringing sunshine to days, both old and new,
In their eyes, a sparkle that shines so bright
Guiding us to a future, free of night.

Their dreams are big, their spirits are high
They inspire us all, to reach for the sky,
In a world that's changing, so fast and so soon
These kids of the world, they'll light the moon.

With every step they take, they spread their wings
Their courage and hope, they share and it brings,
A message of love, to everyone near
That together, a better world, we can bring to cheer.

They run and they play, with such grace and such glee
Their laughter and love, it's meant to be,
A symbol of peace, a message so bright
Bringing hope to the world, day and night.

Their innocence shines, like a beacon so strong
Guiding us all, to do what is right and not wrong,
With hearts so full, of love and of care
They show us a way, to a world beyond repair.

So let us listen, to what they have to say
For their words and their dreams, can light up the way,
To a world where peace, love and joy do reign
Where the laughter of kids, will forever remain.

Stop War ,Stop Kill this heart,
Is the message they bring, from the very start.

The End

Thanks .... take care ... bye bye ...


Special mention :- @olesia @antorv @dmitrik @ukraine-steem @strecoza @andrea.boji

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