[Discussion Post] Which Tri-Wizard task was the hardest?

100 percent of the liquid rewards for this post will go towards rewarding engaging and relevant comments. . .

Hello everyone! This is the next community discussion post for the Wizarding World Community.

My favorite book so far has been The Goblet of Fire, so this week's discussion will be taken from that book. Expect spoilers up to that point if you continue.

Which Tri-Wizard task do you think was the hardest, and why?

Here are the three Tri-Wizard tasks:

  • Retrieve a golden egg that is guarded by a dragon.
  • Use the golden egg to figure out the second task, and rescue someone from the bottom of a lake with only an hour to do it.
  • Complete a maze that is filled with deadly creatures and obstacles.

Discuss which task was the hardest below to earn a share of this post's liquid rewards.

The Initiative

Right now, it is important to develop the discussion aspect of Steem. In order to do this, the experimental account, @penny4thoughts was created by @remlaps.

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