Contest| "Moonlight Tales!"

Tales by moonlight like we would always call it was one of my favourite time out as a child. We looked forward to story times. We loved stories a lot as kids and was fascinated by the idea of hearing different stories from scary ones to funny ones.

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Mum was the story teller of the house and we looked forward to those times when we would gather around her after dinner and listen to some stories she would tell us.

She told us many stories but one of the tales that marveled me as a kid that till today I still wonder at the tragic story was a very brief story about a boy, the only child of the parents.

The village was a peaceful village but was plagued by a deadly Python called Eke Ogba. Eke ogba would always come out on a particularly day called the Eke day hence nobody goes out on that day to avoid death.

The snake was vicious and do not spare the victim. There was a couple that had an only child who was very stubborn and wouldn’t always listen to the parents despite all their teachings and warnings.


They embarked on a trip to a neighboring village and warned him not to go out no matter what. Everything he needed was provided for him but as an adage would have it the stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave.

He left for the farm on an Eke day, and met the vicious Eke Ogba. The snake attacked him and started eating him. He started singing and calling on his mother for help to be delivered from Eke Ogba. He sang and sang and no help came until he was eaten alive.

The story left goose bombs on us as kids as the imagination of the pains he went through while the snake was eating him slowly.


It is wise to share tales with children as stories are a beautiful way to pass across morals and values to children. The stories my mum told us years ago and their morals still stuck with me till date.

Some of those stories always pointed on our need to obey our parents and listen to their instructions which I still do till date.

From the story I told, if the child had listened to his parent’s instructions, he wouldn’t have been killed by Eke Ogba and he wouldn’t have brought so much pain to his parents.

Tales by moonlight was a day maker for me as a child. I looked do forward to it and my mum really did Justice to telling us interesting stories.

Some of them left us with shivers especially the ones about bad spirits and some of them left us laughing especially when we hear the numerous tricks of the tortoise. Above all we learnt a whole lot from those stories and they have shaped our morals to a great extent.

I look forward to telling my kids great stories too. Thank you for stopping by. I ask @jovita30, @ngozi996 and @eveetim to join the contest.

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