The Green Spotlight 14; Keys for Marriage.


Greetings and welcome to the fourteenth edition of the Green Spotlight.

If you are new here, the green spotlight is a weekly review of inspiring books which is intended to motivate the readers to dig into the main book with a wet appetite.

The Green Spotlight reviews books of different genres and this week we would be looking at a book on marriage. Am not married yet but I read books on marriage as I intend to glean wisdom to use for the right time. So join me as we see to this and you will love it.

Unto the review of the week

This week’s review is on the book “keys for Marriage.”

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Author: Miles Munroe
Year published: 1999
Number of chapters: 3
Number of pages: 23
Published by : Pneuma Life Publishing

My opinion about the book “Keys for Marriage’’


The institution called Marriage is a very sensitive one and it’s not a subject that can be said to be over emphasized even if we talk about it everyday.

Marriage is a beautiful institution not void of ups and downs or challenges but one can learn to navigate through it if we have enough wisdom and understanding as to what it takes.

No marriage is the same but we can say that there are some things that may seem similar because marriage involves two genders.

If each gender learn the peculiarity of their personalities, it will be easier to know how to relate with one another in the confines of marriage.

Let’s see some key points of note in this book. Shall we?

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Key points from the chapters

  • Understanding the unique differences between male and female and this boils down to their gender purpose. Men are not different from women because of environment or stature but their purpose.

The man is created as a giver, to work, Teach, protect and cultivate while the woman is created as a receiver and an incubator.

  • When the man provides through vision and provision, the woman nurtures and grows what he provided. Give a woman a house and she turns it into a home. Give her a sperm and she turns into a baby.

If you give her so much love, she would incubate it and give you a peaceful home. Men are cultivators. What do you want to see in your wife and marriage, cultivate it into your wife and you would reap abundance.

  • Men are commanded to love their wives while the wife should respect her husband. There are many ways a man can love his wife through showing her affections.

If you don’t know what affection works for your wife, you can ask her. Little affections like a hug, cutting onions for her as she cooks, a compliment etc can do a whole lot. What respect is to a man is what affection is to a woman.

  • Wives should support their husbands as the help meet that they are. You should a save haven where he can unburden his struggles and not have you talk him down.

Men are already having a lot of challenges outside, so they should be able to find peace and encouragement at home and in their spouse.

  • The subject of sex has brought some issues in marriage. The wife should not deny her husband conjugal rights and she should not always wait for him to initiate intimacy in the marriage.

The husband and wife should work with each other to ensure that each others needs are met. The couple compliments each other and not compete with each other.

Two cannot work together unless they agree hence both husband and wife should put in their efforts to ensure a good marriage. Good marriage requires work.

There are other beautiful points to glean from this book, why not check it out.

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My rating of the book

Keys for marriage is a simple and succinct summary of some things that would help couples if practiced in their marriages. It’s not an all encompassing book.

I’d give it a rating of 8/10. It’s succinct and you would love reading its not too many pages.


Every marriage is unique. What works for one may not work for another The idea behind these keys is to find the one that may work for you. No knowledge is a waste. Better to know and try it out than to wallow in ignorance and have a ship wreck.

Thanks for coming down this lane with me. If you missed the last edition of the Green Spotlight on Daughter avoid temptation, check it out here. Edition 13

Your thoughts on this edition of the green spotlight is welcomed and hope to see you again on our subsequent editions.

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