The Green Spotlight #18; 7 Laws You Must Honour To Have Uncommon Success.


Greetings and welcome to the eighteenth edition of the green spotlight.

The Green Spotlight is a weekly blog were we review inspiring books which is a means to wet people’s appetite to become ardent readers. Readers are leaders and would always be ahead due to the wisdom they glean from rubbing minds with great people through their books.

We see the wisdom we receive through reading as green lights which is synonymous to success hence the name “The Green Spotlight”.

Join me on this beautiful ride once again as we review a very interesting book “Seven Laws You Must Honour To Have Uncommon Success”.

Unto the review of the week

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Author: Mike Murdock
Year published:
Number of chapters: 7
Number of pages: 78
Published by : The wisdom center

My opinion about the book “Seven Laws You Must Honour To Have Uncommon Success”


Success is what we all desire and want in life. But success is not an event or something meant to be seasonal but an experience.

Life is governed by laws and principles and these principles are no respecter of persons because whoever applies them gets the necessary results and becomes successful.

How do we come to that point of success if we do not even know the kind of principles to apply to get the necessary results that would amount to success.

The author here shares basic principles that has helped him become successful and who’s the best to learn from outside who has succeeded.

Let’s look at some principles to learn from the pages of this beautiful book full of nuggets of wisdom. Shall we?

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Key points from the chapters

The author in this book discussed seven laws but I would be mentioning some of the laws and you would do good to see to the rest for yourself.

  • The first in the list of the laws was what he called the law of difference. You know know that there is something unique in you that is not in every other person. How important you would be will be decided by your difference.

A lot of us find it difficult to be different, to be what we are really meant to be not understanding that our reward is in being different. Find out that unique thing in you, unleash it and others will pay for it.

  • Another law that got my attention was the law of the mind. Alot of us are simply limited by our mind. The mind is the man. What kind of mind do you have?

Do you know that whether you would succeed or fail to a large extent depends on your mindset. You need to give your mind a focus, an instruction and a hero to look up to. Find out more about this in the book.

  • The third law is very striking; the law of recognition. A lot of people have the answer to their prayers staring at them right in the face or with them but they do not recognize it and hence miss their breakthroughs.

Learn to recognize great people and great opportunities. This requires a lot of humility. It takes humility to recognize something that you do not have. When you recognize that you don’t have it, then you search for it.

  • Another law that I love is the law of place. When you are in the right place, the right things would happen to you and you would maximize your potential with ease.

Just like how a fish is in a pitiable state when it’s outside water, that’s how most people are when they are in the wrong place. Put the fish inside water and its electrifying movement would wow you.

Are you in the right place where your natural strengths and abilities can be an easily expressed? That’s one of the ways to know your purpose.

  • The last principle is actually very important and inspiring and it’s the principle of the seed. Do you know that everything you will have is in what you have? Interesting right. Checkout the wisdom packed in this book and thank me later.
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My rating of the book

I enjoyed reading through the pages of this book and some of its principles truck me personally because it was simply bringing my experiences fresh to my face.

I teared up reading through the last principle and the real life stories the author told. The practicality of these principles are awesome hence I give it a rating of 10/10.


Success can be replicated and learning from people who have gone ahead of us is a great gift. The author said someone asked him what his hobby is and he said learning. Wow. I’ve never heard it so said.

Dr Mike Murdock is an epitome of wisdom and I would leech on any of his books. This book is wisdom packed. Am definitely going to go over it again and again. Join me as we learn the seven laws of uncommon success.

Thank you for being a part of this week’s edition of The Green Spotlight, if you missed our last edition on “How I almost ruined my marriage”, check it out here Edition 17.

Your thoughts on this edition of the green spotlight is welcomed and hope to see you again on our subsequent editions.

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