Thediarygame for 10/11/2023: My Day In Words and Pictures (workout, Immunization For My Daughter and more)


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Hello dear diary,

Welcome back to my diary. Everyday comes with different activities. My Friday was a little different from what it used to be because of an urgent immunization that my daughter almost missed out. I had to act quickly to avoid regrets. So, my diary will cover the following

My morning workout program

Taking my daughter to the health center for immunization

Frying groundnut for delivery

Feeding my chicken

And more

My morning workout program

Usually, Fridays are supposed to be dance! Dance! Dance!!! That is, zunba dance as we call it. But it didn't hold because our coach wasn't feeling ok. He was ill throughout the week and as such, he wasn't even the one that was taking us on the programs but his second.

But you can take a look and watch the video for last week Friday's dance, 3rd November, 2023 below

Unfortunately, we didn't dance this week but I went out for workout.

I woke up very early and got ready after our morning worship. The kids went out with me so that we can board the same vehicle since we are going the same direction.

IMG_20231110_065916_336.jpgthe kids and I on the move
IMG_20231110_070005_531.jpgmy outfit

On arriving at the workout place, I joined them for the program of the day. We used Tabatha music to run the programs. We did

Full plank
Half plank
Russian twist
Mountain climber
And jacks

It was tedious but fun.

IMG_20231110_075332_924.jpgmy workout mates

The grasses were being cut too and we were moving from one place to another to avoid distractions from the gardeners that were cutting the grasses

IMG_20231110_075339_562.jpgthe picture of those cutting the grass

I left there by 8:40am to my kids' school so as to meet up with immunization

Taking my daughter to the health center for immunization

Within the week, my daughter came home with the information and a news later from the school, requesting our permission to allow her take the ongoing immunization for cervical cancer which was being given to girl children below 14 years. We had earlier gotten the information about the ongoing immunization. This nurses are going to various schools for the immunization.

We have our consent that day. So, on Wednesday, the nurses went to their school and other classes took the injection but my daughter's class didn't. Reason being that they were having classes and forgot the program. On enquiry, I found out that the exercise will end this day of my diary. Because I understand the importance, I decided to pick her up from the school and go for it.

Hence, on my way from the exercise, I went straight to their school and obtained permission from all authorities and went with her.

IMG_20231110_100055_083.jpgat the health center
IMG_20231110_100114_472.jpgmy selfie there
IMG_20231110_100325_741.jpgher card for the immunization
IMG_20231110_100607_633.jpgon our way back

They hardly believed that she was below 14 due to her size. They were all surprised. They asked me if I am the mother, hahahah. Well, having confirmed from me, they gave her the injection. It was quick and we left in no time so that she can go back and continue with her studies.

We parted ways and í went home while she went to the school.

Frying groundnut for delivery

I didn't have even a single bottle of groundnut and I didn't even go to the gym with anyone. They requested for it but non was available. The truth is that. I restocked before we traveled for the wedding last weekend. I had been planning to prepare it but have been busy with other stuffs.

At home, I started frying the groundnut after my breakfast of beans that my daughter prepared. Sorry, I didn't take any picture of the food because all my mind was to start frying.

As I was peeling the groundnut after frying, I noticed that there a lot of spoilt ones that I need to select away before packaging. I quickly called on the supplier and complained. He promised to change the half bag that he supplied to be on Monday. That was ok for me. They will just subtract the w custard buckets that I removed.

IMG_20231110_151533_602.jpglook at the waste on the floor

I will incur lots of losses by the time I will finish the whole half bag. I will surely return it on Monday and exchange it with a better one. I am glad he has accepted.

I continued this till late evening. It was time to feed the chicken

Feeding my chicken

I am always happy the way the chicken are growing big and smart. It gives me great joy as they jump up and down while I am trying to feed them. They can fly on you to grab the food from your hand. I just love them.

I wasn't able to feed them in the morning but my hubby did. So, I told him that I will feed them this evening so as to see them and enjoy their smartness.

I fed them And then took my shower and started writing a post. But I couldn't finish it up due to sleep and tiredness.


It was a wonderful day for me. I achieved all that I had planned to do. Thank you dear diary, hope you enjoyed my activities for the day? Seé you in my next diary, stay tuned!


This is my introductory post here


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