How To Make The Most Delicious Vegan Cookies With Banana + Cocoa + Rolled Oats At Home?

Today I prepared a delicious vegan cookie with banana + cocoa + oatmeal. I hadn't prepared a meal for vegetarians before, so I wanted to prepare such a cookie. Now, I will share it with you by making vegan dishes and desserts, and the dishes I make will become more diverse. I can easily buy the materials we use, and I can say that it is very economical in terms of cost. All you need to pay attention to is that it does not burn when cooking in the oven and check constantly.

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Ingredients to be Used for Vegan Cookies:


  • 2 bananas

  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa

  • 1 glass of oatmeal

Making Stages:

First, peel the two bananas and put them on a plate. Then crush the banana well with a fork or spoon. Then add oatmeal and a teaspoon of cocoa to the dish. Mix well. After preparing the consistency of the inner mortar of vegan cookies; Add very little oil to the tray. Then take a piece of cookie mortar on your palm and put it on the tray after making a round shape. Do the same process until all the mortar is gone. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Vegan Cookies Ready!







  • The photos are completely original and belong to me
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