A day with my beloved daughter

Hello everyone ,, it's nice to be together again here. Whatever the conditions that befall us today, hopefully it will end soon

Shopping for basic needs is a routine thing that everyone does. There is always happiness when in a shopping center, because it can interact with everyone there. But since the enactment of the ban on going out, shopping activities are increasingly reduced. As seen in one of the supermarkets located in one of the city center

This supermarket (Alfa Mart) is located about three kilometers from our house, and is one of the most comprehensive shopping centers in our small town

Since the prohibition of going out, the impact has also been felt by every shopping center manager, both in the city center and those in remote areas. I observe every corner is quiet from visitors



Only one or two people are seen going in and out, shopping then leaving. This is what the atmosphere looked like when I was here

After we got some basic needs, I rushed to find another supplement, namely coffee




When I was in one of the special coffee rooms, I was confused because of the many local coffee products available there. But I made my choice on locally made coffee products, Aceh coffee

Heritage coffee in Aceh has become a trend nowadays, because it has been made in the form of ready-to-use plastic bottles.


In addition to aceh coffee heritage, here are also several types of coffee from all regions in Indonesia, including heritage coffee Sumatra, Papua, Lampung heritage coffee and so on


In another corner my daughter is also busy choosing snacks. I wonder what has been collected by him



After everything we got, we went straight to the cashier to pay for all basic necessities

The day was getting late, we immediately left the Alfa mart supermarket, especially the distance we traveled which is about three kilometers to get back at home

Thank you for being with us today, friend


Original photo and writing by @arispranata5




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