On the origin of light that we all perceive: What is happening around us and for our sight?


And God said: «Be light! And there was light!». This is the truth that we are told in many religious books and journals. But what is really happening here?

We know that the sun shows its light during the day, and that there is a day due to the light. And we can experience variations in the weather from day to day. But the logic is the same around the world. The sun is rising in east and it goes down in the west. And when there is dark, there is a night. All this logic has been experienced through many times, and many researchers believe that the earth and the sun have been there for 13,5 billions of years. And that there has been six different species of the human art, and homo sapiens is what we experience today due to the evolution of the bodies through all times. We cannot do anything, without using the body. And you and I are unique in the ways that we are. The reality is complex, and many variables and parameters influence what is going on of variations of decisions different places, also in the planning and the implementation of a national economy.

There has been much confusion and frustrations about what the light really is, and how it happens and why. When the sun is shining, it uses 7 to 8 minutes to reach the earth. And the sun is strong, and you should not see too much on it. But it has been the source to wealth and growth and productivity and effectiveness through thousands of years, and we can be in doubt how long it is since it started. But all world religions have their philosophy and their ways of believing. And truth and beliefs are free for all populations in the world, but there can be right or wrong conceptions and measures about what is going on, and about what has happened at any time. People communicate through statements today, also in all the media channels.

So, what happened about the science of the light? In 1905, Einstein wrote a paper on light quanta, and that specific theory is called for quantum theory of light. His proposal that light exists as tiny packets (photons) was so revolutionary, that even such major pioneers of quantum theory as Planck and Bohr refused to believe that it could be true. Bohr, in particular, was a passionate disbeliever in light quanta, and repeatedly argued against them until 1925, when he yielded in the face of overwhelming evidence for their existence. Hence, Planck and Borhr did not believe in the same ways as Einstein, but Einstein was thinking as how and why the sun sheds light on the earth, and that this light is the cause for all living lives at the earth. And the sun can be wanted or unwanted from time to time. Einstein made some equations on it, and they mean that there is light due som tiny packets of light streams that are sent to the earth. And we see the sun everywhere at earth, but there can be different time on the day during the time when the sun is visible. The sun is unvisible during the night. All people know that this is happening, but we must dwell with truth and the religions to explain the light naturally as we perceive it. But we are free at any time to believe in nothing, in the religions or in the sciences. There is literature about many things at earth and the universe today, and you decide what should be focused on in your life, since we cannot be all places all times, but we have to choose our choices, individually and socially, by being a human body and a human mind!

We always need theories and methods and data to explain what is going on. And the questionnaires are endless about which content we can measure. The nature and the human nature is moving constantly, and what you are today are not always what you were in the past, or what you are tommorow. But many people around the earth have same structure in life, but it can differs. We are never satisfied about what is going on. And changes can always be made. We should learn of the history, being alive in life and perceiving what is happening, and we should have a strong and positive belief about what is occurring in the future. And keep everything as simple as possible, but not simpler!

The light is coming to the earth through waves from the sun, and we must make models of this, and explain how things are as they are. We just need some variables and parameters, and we therefore understand what we perceive!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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