Mindfulness and how it can help us getting over anxiety 🌸

Coronavirus took us all by surprise, no matter where you're from. We didn't expect this kind of sanitary issue and it was mandatory for most of us to stay at home as much as we could. I don't how it's like in your countries, but here in Argentina, tomorrow will be four months since we are in a strict lockdown. Due to this, anxiety and depression rates are increasing and it's something really concerning. If you're going through this, I want to share with you what I know about a skill that is really helpful in these times. Despite this, if you feel like you can't take it anymore, please ask for professional help.

As someone who suffers from anxiety, I've found that Mindulness is a very powerful way of facing our own fears and feelings. It allows you not only to think more clearly and to feel stronger and safer, but also to develop a stronger sense of compassion for yourself by focusing your attention to the present moment.

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Anxiety is what makes us behave in a careful and cautious way, which is something good as long as we can have it under control. Even if it sounds weird, whenever we feel that it's going to take us over, we should welcome our anxiety, make friends with it and try to listed what it has to tell us; this will make us feel in control and will be more helpful than just rejecting and denying it.

Here's an easy exercise that brings you back to the present, I'll take you step by step:

  • When you feel that your anxiety starts to arise, become aware of your thoughts. What is it that's going on in your mind? What are you worrying about? What triggered you into those thoughts? Why are you so concerned about that?

  • After this small talk, congratulate yourself for being aware of what's going on. This may sound dumb, but being able to listen to yourself is vital and when your thoughts start racing and burning, it's no simple task.

  • This is where you choose to respond in a different way. How? Accept it and welcome it as a friend, it's there to tell you something, so smile and greet those thoughts with self-compassion and kindness. This could be an idea: 'Here's my anxiety, thank you for protecting me and for letting me know this thing. What are you trying to tell me today?'

  • This is the most important step: anchor yourself to the present moment. Here you should focus on your breath, inhale deeply as you feel the fresh air getting to your lungs and exhale all those raging feelings. You can close your eyes or empower your breathing by using your five senses, it also helps you to describe what you see, smell, taste, feel and hear. The more you practise it, the easier it becomes to know what works best for you.

  • Keep breathing. We aim to be centered and calmed, the more deeply you breathe, the quicker the storm will pass.


I've come to learn and enjoy mindfulness by practising it, it's such strong skill for us to remain present and to nourish our happiness. It's amazing how much everything can change by focusing our attention on what we're doing and by being grateful.

I really hope this helps someone that's going through a rough time, I've been there and I know what you're feeling. There's no shame in admitting that you're being taken over by anxiety! Please let me know if you want me to keep on writing this sort of articles, I'm really into meditation, mindfulness and other techniques that help us feel better.

Above the clouds, the sky is always blue.

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