Splinterlands Battle Share:: Under The Theme:: UNDEAD MINOTAUR

This is my second post where I'm participating in the contest organized by the Splinterlands team: SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge


Luckily this time for me I have the UNDEAD MINOTAUR monster card at level 7::


So the first step I took was to increase the level of the card, as I had 234+ cards of it.


Why did I increase my card UNDEAD MINOTAUR to 7?


It's basically because of two reasons and they are:-

  1. I get extra power which is 4 if your card is at level 8. I needed this extra power so that I can attack my enemy first. Also since it has double strike ability the extra power that I got upgrading the card to level 8 will damage the monsters by 4.

  2. Secondly, it's quite obvious that I had 234+ cards to spare - so thought of - what a great time of combining them and making the best use of it in the Weekly Challenges and moving forward as well in other battles in near future.

So this was a bit of background with regards to the UNDEAD MINOTAUR card level that I had and why I upgraded it to level 8.

Now coming back to the main topic but wait before I get into that, I would like to address the note from @Carrie wrt. to why this is the cheapest Death Reward card in existence?

Why is that? It looks pretty good on the surface. I mean, just LOOK at his figure! To die for! 💀 He's got double strike at the get-go and retaliate at level 6!? That's less than $0.60 at current prices! I need to know... why is he so undervalued? Is it one of those overlooked situations or something else? Go! Battle! Find the answers and share them with the world!

I totally agree that its one of the cheapest monsters available in the market at the moment and its double strike ability makes it even stronger. But why is it still undervalued?

Please note this is only my assumption and I could be wrong here so treat this answer purely based on my observation. The main two reasons that I think the card is available at such a lower price could be its current circulation which is above 109K+ and the other reason being many people haven't explored its capabilities at a higher level. I being one of them - and when I saw this weekly challenge contest it gave attention to this monster card UNDEAD MINOTAUR and I immediately thought of upgrading the level.

What was my Lineup?

First to Go was Lord of Darkness - I've this card at level four so wanted the enemy line to be damaged by its four different abilities i.e. enlarge, stun, shield & retaliate. Out of all the abilities if I were to choose which one is my favorite then I like the retaliate ability as it damages the enemy monster twice and ultimately giving you an upper hand in the battle. As it did give me the same in my current battle of this weekly battle challenge.

Next to go was Phantom Soldier As you might have notice already that this card of mine is also at the MAX level, it really comes handy with its ability of makin an attack VOID. I use it most of the time when I can sense that the enemy will for sure use Lord Arianthus or comes with Water Summoner monster. And in case my guess comes true then I love my Phantom Soldier ability of Silence - which reduces the magic attack ability of the opponent monsters.

The next monster inline was Skeleton Assasin; I used it to damage the enemy line from behind. I've generally observed that people tend to keep their stonger cards at the end of the line up. Hence the Skeleton Assasin card in the line up to break the defend of the enemy hidden at the last of their lineup. Also Skeleton Assasin ability of POSION - I just love that as the posion further weaknes the enemy in every round.

And here comes the Beast Monster - Undead Minotaur - I intentionally placed him in the 4th postion because with its enlarge and double attack ability I wanted to take the full advantage if I did lose my first three lineup monster. Also to the advantage I got +1 mele damage added coz. in the next lineup of my monsters I had - Enchanted Pixie linedup.

So here come Enchanted Pixie and with its ability of Inspire at level 5 - made all my mele attack moster stonger by +1 damage. She is such a cuite pie to have in your lineup as it boosts/enhances the ability of mele attack monsters and really comes in handy incase you are having low level mele attack monsters and you plan to enhance the damage then Enchanted Pixie should definaely be in the one in your attack lineup.

Finally comes my HYDRA; this is a trap for the opponent. Incase if there is any plan by the opponnet to do damage from the end then my HYDRA should b able to tear him down with his THORN & RETALIATE abilities

Here are the Battle details it was a 40 Mana Cap Battle and the Rule was Broken Arrows; i.e. you cannot use monsters which have an Arrow Attack. Following are some of the images taken during the battle time:-



Have Look at the Battle Fought :: Here

Did my strategy work?

Well, my strategy did work but I should also admit the fact that the opponent was a bit weaker. By saying this I mean that the cards he played with were at a lower level and hence it gave me an upper hand on the battlefield. But that's part of the game and I was really surprised by the legendary card monster he came up with which was The Kraken and that two at level two. Which meant it demoralized my attack by 1 and also I had to finish the legendary monster off first before I could do any damage to the enemy lineup. So, I would say well-played strategy as well by my opponent but it wasn't too well placed to destroy my monsters.

Do you use UNDEAD MINOTAUR often?

I'll be very frank here and would admit the fact that I don't use this beast monster too often. And you must be wondering that why is it so that I'm not using this beast often then the answer is that I find it a bit high on the manna it uses/observes which is at 6 and the powers you get doesn't justify in higher league matches like Diamond and Champion League matches.

At the same time, I use UNDEAD MINOTAUR for matches when there is no limit to the Mana Cap or for Battles when the Mana Cap limit is more/greater than 40 or so.

That's all about it & I would like to end with saying that if you guys don't have this monster beast UNDEAD MINOTAUR card go grab some of them as currently it's being offered at really very cheap price; as @Carrie mentioned you can get this card which has a double strike at the get-go and retaliates at level 6 -
currently available at less than $0.60. And who knows that this Weekly Contest - will further enhance its popularity and players will start leveling up the card and ultimately making the price of the card to skyrocket.

And, I'm sure you wouldn't want to regret it later.

See You @ The Battle Field - May the POWERS be with You!!

Cheers & Thank You!!!

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See You @ The Battle Field - May the POWERS be with You!!

Cheers & Thank You!!!

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