SF-Charity 10-Day Report | Food Donation for 33 Families - Medicine Donation for 17 Families | Total : 129.5 SBD Support

Hello Everyone:

Today I will share with you the 10-day report of the SF-Charity account in detail. In this Donation report, you will be able to see all the donations made from the SF-Charity account in detail. The last time I shared the SF-Charity detailed report with you on 05-09-2021, we had +3 users increase in the number of Food Donations we made in the SteemFoods Community and +6 users to the Medicine Donation during the 10-day period. As of today, we have completed our Food Donation for 33 families and our Medicine Donation for 17 families and supported 50 families in need with sf-charity, the official charity fund account of the SteemFoods Community. I think we achieved a great success by reaching 50 families. One of the +3 increase in our Food Donations is the first family we reached at the Food Donation #11 Event I started specifically for Colombia, which I started in the SteemFoods Community, and the Food Donation that SF-Charity Volunteer Donation Distributors delivered to two families in need of food donations in their region. With SF-Charity's Volunteer Food Donation Distributors, we have now started real-life Food Donation delivery and we currently have two Volunteer Donation Distributors from Venezuela in the early stages, and our donation distributors are distributing with SF-Charity T-Shirts while distributing the supplies. In total, as of today, I made 80 SBD support with our Food Donations sf-charity. We had a busy week in our Medicine Donations, and we completed our Medicine Donation for 6 more families who had health problems + had difficulty in purchasing medicine from the pharmacy. For our Medicine Donations, I made a total of 49 SBD support in the sf-charity account. As of today, I have successfully completed 129 SBD distributions with sf-charity in the Food + Medicine Donations we have made for 50 families in total. Below you can see the reports of all the donations we have completed as of 16-09-2021.

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All Our Food Donation Reports

NOTE : As of today, 80.5 SBD has been used in Food Donation Events.














All Our Medicine Donations

NOTE : As of today, 49 SBD has been used in Medicine Donation Events.

SF-Charity 10-Day Medicine Donation Report | 16 Medicine Donations + 1 Support Against Covid-19 | Total : 49 SBD Support



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