SteemFoods Medicine Donation #2| Second Family Reached for Health Products Donation |

Hello Everyone:

Today, I will share with you the donation report of our two families, which we reached at the Medicine Donation that I started 7 days ago, in the SteemFoods Community. I will continue to organize charity events on the steemit platform with the income I have earned from the sf-charity account I have established in the SteemFoods Community. Currently, we have two charity events in total as Food Donation and Medicine Donation. We reached two families in Medicine Donation, our donated user reached me by commenting under the post on steemitfoods account and I communicated more via telegram. After informing me that our user's older brother had broken his leg, he shared the images of his medical report and gave me detailed information. I also supported our user's wallet to buy the products necessary for his elder brother from the pharmacy. I send my best wishes to our user's brother and family. I hope that with this donation, the condition of our user's brother will get much better.

NOTE : I wish the brother of our user to get well soon, I hope his health situation will improve day by day and we will contribute to his recovery with this support. I would like to thank our user for sending me the photos he took via telegram and giving permission to add them to the donation report.

Our Second User to Donate Health Products : @sisol

After receiving information about the health status of our user's older brother, I sent 3 SBD to our user's wallet. Our user bought the products he needed to buy from the pharmacy after converting the 3 SBD I sent into his own country's currency. Our user shared the products he bought from the pharmacy and the receipt information with me via telegram. I hope that with the medicines purchased by our user, the situation of his older brother will get much better. Once again, I send my best wishes. Thank you to our user for his interest in the medicine donation program, I hope his older brother's situation will get much better. Likewise, you can contact me via discord or telegram for medicine donation.

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3 SBD that I sent from sf-charity account

sisol- 3 SBD.png

Health Products Purchased by Our User and Receipt Information

Medicine Donation 2-2.jpg

Medicine Donation 2-3.jpg

SteemFoods Medicine Donation #1 | First Family Reached for Health Products Donation|

By clicking on the link below, you can examine the report on the first family we reached in Medicine Donation in detail.

SteemFoods Medicine Donation #1 | First Family Reached for Health Products Donation |


SteemFoods Medicine Donation Begins 💊 | Support Program for Families with Health Problems |

You can have detailed information about our Medicine Donation and Support Program for Families with Health Problems, which I started by clicking the link below.

SteemFoods Medicine Donation Begins 💊 | Support Program for Families with Health Problems |



Quick Delegation Links:

50 SP

100 SP

250 SP

500 SP

1000 SP

2500 SP


Background Photos Source

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