SteemFoods Medicine Donation #5 |Fifth Family Reached for Health Products Donation |

Hello Everyone:

Today, I will share with you in detail the report of our fifth user, which we reached at the Medicine Donation event that I started in the SteemFoods Community. As you know, with Medicine Donation, I try to help our users who have health problems on the steem blockchain in the best way possible. I make donations by communicating with our country and regional moderators. Our Africa Region moderator @ngoneyi said that a user from Africa Region has health problems and needs help. With the help of our moderator, I reached our user via telegram. I learned detailed information about the health status of our user. Our user said that she has an allergic health problem. After I gave our user detailed information about our Medicine Donation, I sent 2.5 SBD to our user's wallet. Our user bought the medicines she needed from the pharmacy with the 2.5 SBD I sent and sent me the photo + receipt information. Below you can see the medicines and receipt information that our user has purchased. I would like to convey my best wishes to our user once again, I hope that with this support, his health will improve much. It is a great feeling for us that the health status of our users has improved as a result of our medicine donations.

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Medicines Purchased by Our User and Receipt Information

  • 2.5 SBD I sent from sf-charity account :

Medicine Donation 5 - 2.5 SBD.jpg

Medicine Donation 5-2.jpg

Medicine Donation 5-3.jpg

Medicine Donation 5-4.jpg

Our Previous Medicine Donation - Medicine Donation #4

SteemFoods Medicine Donation #4 |Fourth Family Reached for Health Products Donation |



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