Contest: Do you have any habits that you can't seem to break?

Hi everyone,

I participate in the contest by

Do you have any habits that you can't seem to break?



Lately I've noticed that I've been looking at my phone too much. I didn't even know it was a bad habit, but I started having headaches and eye pain. I've worn glasses since I was a child, but lately the smartphone screen is starting to bother me.

I became aware of this problem when talking about it with a colleague, she told me that there is a real smartphone addiction syndrome. I use it a lot, but lately I also use it just before sleeping, and if I wake up in the night the first thing I do is check it.

I actually don't need to check it because no one texts me in the middle of the night! Yet it has become an automatic gesture. Sometimes I turn it off and leave it on the desk, away from the bed, so it's harder to reach. However, some nights I get up to go to the bathroom and so I also take my cell phone and turn it on.

This behavior doesn't always happen to me, but only in certain periods, sometimes I manage to avoid it for a few weeks, but then it returns. I imagine it's a kind of obsessive compulsive behavior, like when you check a thousand times if you've turned off the gas!

To tell the truth, I don't know how to get rid of this bad habit, especially in the evening and at night. Maybe I should turn off the smartphone and put it in another room, or ask someone to hide it where I can't find it!

Thank you for stopping by!

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