🎮 Steemit City Update

It's been over a week since my last update and a lot has happened in that time....

👇 Source

👥 Game Accounts

I've migrated the game to the accounts that I'll be operating it with - @choose-adventure and @chooseadventure. The code's been running on these accounts for just over a week now and things are going smoothly.


🐜 Bugs

In migrating the code and in trying to improve things, I introduced and subsequently fixed a lot of bugs. This did mean that some eager beavers wanting an early glimpse of what the game's about lost their progress and the result of that stress was a change in how I program and subsequently deploy the code. This might not sound particularly significant but it allows me to isolate each step in the game and release each step without any disruption.


🪓🍳 Weapons

I've now created the code to allow the player to search for a weapon - the weapon found will depend upon the player's attributes as well as a random element. I was unfortunate and found a Frying Pan, @moecki was lucky and found an axe. @ubongudofot was unlucky and found an axe which I broke, so he lost it.


🖼️ Images

Since I started working on images some time ago, I've had a lot of discussions and suggestions upon how to best make these work. Whilst I've come to a satisfactory solution in my last update, it's not perfect and thanks to a huge amount of help from @dr-frankenstein and the @symbionts team, I'm now in possession of a far superior solution which can be integrated at a later date. I'll need to write a lot of code around it (merging and overlapping of images and text) but I'm confident that it's doable and will produce something more elegant (and guarantees there are no spaces between images).


✍️ The Narrative

The final thing that has been achieved is the beginning of the actual game and some of the narrative surrounding it. It still requires some fleshing out but the bones to work around are there and I think it creates an enjoyable game narrative so far.

I'm tempted to get Chat GPT involved, having watched some experts create some excellent Dungeons and Dragons narrative by going down this route (and some awesome graphics to support their story using Stable Diffusion) - what they've created displays a level of polish that I'll struggle to achieve. Looking around Steemit, you'd think that Chat GPT is evil but the benefits to the game of going down this route could be significant.


⏭️ What's Next?

With 3 active players currently having a game in progress, we/they're all waiting to fight a zombie so the obvious next step is to program fights. I've got a plan of how I'm going to do this and just need to find the time to get stuck into the code.

Beyond that, it's just a question of continuing to write each scene in the game and I'm slightly fearful of the exponential nature that this might take. Even at this early stage, one scenario can present 8 possible options and my hope is that this is the maximum that'll ever be needed and subsequent scenarios will be within a subset of this.

I can't help but think even longer term about the possibilities that coding upon a blockchain like Steemit presents. The biggest challenge that I see with subsequent ideas is how to create a free account (hopefully with a delegation) for people who register for whichever game I create (assuming that I also create a dedicated website). The Resource Credits required is substantial for a wee little dolphin like me.

So much brain activity, so little time.


Thanks to everybody for continuing to engage with me on the game, for taking part and for being so patient between moves (as I code each step). It's going to be a long journey and one that I'm currently very much enjoying, predominantly because of the interactions and discussion it has generated. So please continue to help to keep me motivated 👍

I'm also confident with what I've written so far so if you'd like to start a game, visit this "master post" and follow the instructions . I'm still running the code manually so you will probably have to be patient between each more 🙂

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