I've just realised how long it has been since my last update during which you will probably have seen that the changes to communities have gone live.
I'm mostly happy with how this has gone although a couple of things have been noticed which I've worked on fixes for:
- 2 Pinned Posts: I noticed that when there are 2 pinned posts, the view / collapsed button displays and the text updates, but the screen display doesn't. I've raised bug #3929 on GitHub to address this.
- Mobile Display: When a community has a large number of subscribers or pending rewards, the label ("pending rewards" or "active posters") wraps onto 2 lines, which pushes the "Join/Joined" and "New Post" buttons higher on the screen. Whilst this doesn't affect any functionality, it doesn't look as nice so I've tweaked the layout slightly to stop this from happening.
- Mobile Display II: Simlar to point 2, when a community has a long description, the area this sits in pushes down and some text becomes hidden behind the buttons. I've also implemented a fix for this.
I've committed these changes to GitHub in a new branch for some Resteeming fun.
Hide Resteems
18 days ago, @remlaps announced an update to his browser extension which allows users to hide posts that have been resteemed by other users.
Coincidentally, I thought this was a great idea (how much do you love somebody that you follow swamping your feed with contest resteems??) and had already started working on a version in Condenser.
I've currently implemented the "Hide Resteems" button at the top of a feed - both your own Friends Feed and that of other people.
When selected, it will automatically hide Resteems (except for posts from people you follow that have been Resteemed by somebody else).
The selection is stored within Local Storage so when you refresh or revisit the page, the button will remain checked / unchecked.
This is currently a work in progress - it works well for a user's own feed but is a bit buggy for a friend's feed so my mind is distracted by this as I write this updaate. I thought I'd fixed it... but it's not working well enough to take a screenshot...
I'd better get back to problem solving...