We return again with a different theme this week and it is that most of us spend our time looking at photographs that surprise us and capture our attention, some make us laugh, others reflect and others make us dream.
Today we continue with the photography contest CAPTURING FEELINGS, EMOTIONS AND MOMENTS; week # 3 this contest tries to capture a special moment where we find emotions and feelings that attract us and now we will test our ability to find emotional and sentimental expressions through photography. This week's theme is:
The contest is very simple; You just have to capture a photograph that shows a fun moment, where you can appreciate the fun of either an adult or a child, where the main expression is fun.
To participate you just have to follow these guidelines:
The photograph must be allusive to a moment of fun or where the person is having fun. only one photograph per contest.
The post must be created in the STARS OF STEEM community
The title of the publication must be: CAPTURING FEELINGS, EMOTIONS AND MOMENTS. - Photography Contest Week # 3
The photograph must be of your own creation, either with a phone or with a camera. But the better the quality, the more chances you have to win.
You must mention and place the link of this contest in your publication so that more people join.
Only one entry per person will be valid for the contest
Put the link of your participation in the comments of this publication.
1 Place. 7 steem
2 Place. 4 steem
3 Place. 2 steem
4 Place. 1 steem