Utilize Your Free Time: Productivity & Self Improvement Guide.


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Nowadays the term “leisure” seems to be a luxury. We’ve got busy schedules and endless must-dos; it can be a struggle to find any dedicated me-time. And while we’re all granted 24-hour days (or 34-hour days if you happen to be a vampire — I’m not here to judge), how many times do we actually utilize how much free time we have? Instead of just going down that social media/Netflix/TV rabbit hole — my personal experience is to say that we would benefit from putting those additional hours into some actually productive activities for ourselves.


Start a hobby: Use your free time and pick up a new hobby. A hobby is something you do for the sake of being good at it – painting or woodworking; playing music or writing poetry. Hobbies add purpose to free-time and may as well lead to other opportunities and friendships… and so much more!


Read: Reading is best of all for using spare time! it doesn’t only add to your knowledge also enhances the meaning of the word and broadens the approach of thinking also. Pick reading material that interests your fiction/non-fiction/adventure/thriller/whodunit/mystery etc. Reading is a journey for the mind to explore, learn & expand the mind to think differently.

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Learn Something New: Any skill or information that compels you to forgo your precious leisure moments offers you an opportunity to learn something new. By using the internet resources, you can easily learn new skills or improve your existing skills. Learning something new, whether it’s a foreign language, cooking or anything else, continuous learning not just stimulate the brain, it is also creates opportunities for you.

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Exercise: "Physical activity benefits your mind as well as your body," the report notes. Use this extra time to incorporate physical activity into your day — take a walk or go for a jog (if you’re allowed to leave the house), sign up for an online workout class, try yoga or meditation or anything else that feels good and helps you move. Exercise flushes out the sluggardly part of you, de-stresses you and pumps up your energy reserves, thus giving you an overall refreshing effect.

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Meditate: Use your leisure time to train your focus during mindfulness-meditation. Find a quiet corner, take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth and keep focusing your mind on the air circulating through your body. This quick fix can assist in alleviating stress, improving attention span, as well as promoting healthiness.


After all, free-time is an expensive commodity. Using your spare time for hobbies, reading, learning, exercise or meditation is just a few ways that you can maximize it. “It is the only thing, in fact, there is no other” is a quote that is said at almost every wedding ceremony I’ve ever attended, meaning that love and relationship are the essential purpose of all existence and this leads to a more fulfilled and fruitful life. So, ditch the past of wasted free time, so next time when you have some leisure time, rekindle your passion to invest in yourself. Future you will thank you.

Image Sources: Pixabay and Pexels.

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