CONCURSO SEMANAL SEMANA 11 - Día 4 - "Steem Poetry - Poetry Game" From Venezuela; Fallen Soldier🇻🇪


Good afternoon everyone, especially
to @dobartim and @ sultan-aceh. Greetings from Venezuela to you, I bring you a little poetry of my authorship, thank you guys I hope you like it.

Buenas tardes a todos, en especial
a @dobartim y a @sultan-aceh Saludos desde Venezuela para ustedes, les traigo una pequeña poesía de mi autoría, gracias muchachos espero sea de su agrado


Fallen Soldier

Soldier you have not died
You just changed your course
Calm that your soul never
Will leave this world

For you there will be no forgetting
You will always be present
We will never forget
Your battle with death

This time you will not arrive
This time we will not laugh
Just remember
All the good times

Although many criticize you
Nobody knows the truth
More watered with your blood
This is the tree of freedom

From leaving you have not received
From the high command the order
You were never relieved
With a chord replacement

Resist as a command
It was your bitter decision
Don't worry command
Time will prove right

Say hello and turn around soldier
Retire to training
Wait patient and fit
Receive your new mission


Soldado Caido

Soldado tu no has muerto
Solo cambiaste tu rumbo
Tranquilo que nunca tu alma
Abandonará este mundo

Para ti no habrá olvido
Siempre estaras presente
No olvidaremos nunca
Tu batalla con la muerte

Esta vez no llegarás
Esta vez no reiremos
Solo toca recordar
Todos los momentos buenos

Aunque muchos te critiquen
Nadie sabe la verdad
Mas regado con tu sangre
Este el arbol de la libertad

De partir no has recibido
Del alto mando la orden
Nunca fuiste relevado
Con un reemplazo acorde

Resistir como un comando
Fue tu amarga decision
No te preocupes comando
El tiempo dará la razón

Saluda y media vuelta soldado
Retirate a formación
Espera paciente y apto
Recibir tu nueva misión .


I hope my publication is to your liking, I wish you congratulations and blessings.

Espero que mi publicación sea de su agrado, les deseo felicidades y bendiciones.


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