Poetry Game Contest Entry: Week 11@qudus0




When angels do descend on earth they call,
“let there be peace on earth, good will to it all.”
Relating so, they know the best way that’s best:
In living love the sacred heart is blessed.
Can human beings find that purity
In using love for our security?
Can we with our intelligent good will
Bring healing to a troubled world that’s ill?
When what is best the people truly know,
They feel and think and they make it so easy.
Each person does what she believes is right
For her to do by her own inner light.
People don’t act on what they is wrong;
They love something to which they want to belong.
But if we don’t love what is truly good,
Then we don’t know the way we really could.
Our love depends on whether we’re aware,
Because we give ourselves to where we care.
Thus when we act by this limitation,
The consequences bring education.
Humans evolve and learn through interaction,
Always seeking inner satisfaction.
For all to take responsibility,
Becoming wise with full ability,
Would bring to our society new birth,
A living paradise set up on earth.
Ignorant abuses must be prevented
By instituting global now invented,
For clearly people are not angels yet,
So every need and problem must be met.
To learn and grow without hurting others
We all must love our sisters and brothers.
With all on earth as one big family
Our differences we can settle happily,
For common needs and wants are similar;
Our hopes and dreams are so familiar.
To survive as a civilization
Changes must come in one generation.
Our greed, intolerance, oppression, and fear
Will not just magically disappear,
But we can awaken greater love, sharing,
Communication, justice, and caring
By working all together for a whole
Of the world and the good of each soul.
We’ll find a way to govern the nations,
Preventing war’s cruel abominations
With effective global law and government
Protecting human rights, environment,
Democracy, and due process of law,
With peace and dignity the prophets saw.

thanks for taking to read my post @dobartim

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