WORKSHOP - Get to Know the Steemit Platform by PromoSteem [25% Payout To @steem.amal]

25% of post payout goes to @steem.amal

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PromoSteem has been moving seriously in activities to promote steem to people who don't know about cryptocurrency and steemit. because of that we make a presentation or workshop for steem promotion.

This activity is not easy, this event was initiated by the three of us @arie.steem, @pojan, @ponpase. because it is also related to the purpose of the promosteem that I have made in the post about our proposal for the Steemit team.

We have prepared this event for a week, we arranged the meeting and discussed what we have to prepare and also what we will explain in the presentation that we will carry out. this event is not made in large numbers, but we limit the number of participants and the number that can attend, to give a clearer and more precise impact.

The workshop entitled: MENGENAL PLATFORM STEEMIT "Menjadi Millenial Yang Kreatif Dan Inovatif Di Era Kompetitif"

We held this event in the city of Lhokseumawe, Indonesia. located at the Taufik Kupi coffeeshop, 2nd floor in a special room to conduct this workshop, we provide drinks and food so that participants are comfortable while participating in this event.

We introduce steemit to participants starting from the introduction of steemit to the important thing, namely how to create content well and understand the password categories available on the steemit platform

Some of the points we explain in this presentation:

  • What is cryptocurrency?

  • What is Steemit?

  • How to get income from Steemit?

  • How to become an investor?

  • Introducing the community on the stemit

  • Ways to create posts

  • Explains what tags are used for

  • Explain what each password is used for

  • Helping participants to sign up

Seeing the looks on the faces of the participants, I am very sure that they heard and paid attention to the presentation very seriously. Their serious intentions to get to know this steemit can be seen in the photo above. I explained in a way that is easy for people who are not familiar with blockchain to understand, hopefully my explanation can be easily understood by them.






There were several participants who asked me about how to make good and correct content and how to not become plagiarism when writing by taking some outside references, and I answered by making a source for each content we made to respect the owner of the content. in fact.

There are also those who are interested in asking about the evidence of this steemit that can provide income, and I show you a steemit page with a lot of content that has value and that is evidence of an assessment of our content.



We can explain some of those things in this presentation, because we only make the event with only 2 hours. 1 hour to explain about steemit and then help participants to sign up and talk more closely.

This event takes place on Sunday, April 11, 2021. The three of us share the tasks for this event so that it runs successfully and can help participants understand 100% about steemit. you can see the documentation of the event below.





This activity is 1 of 4 points which is the goal of this promosteem community, I hope that in each country we have a team in terms of doing good promosteem and become a good example for other steemit users.

And to recall that I once made a proposal to the steemit team with the title PromoSteem Proposal For Steemit Team - Mission & Strategy to help the promosteem community, we can look at some of those points again here:

  • PromoSteem community is tasked with helping and guiding how users run their promotions well and also have good results. help make ads interesting to see by making some stuff such as video promotion, visual promotion and etc

  • Looking for and inviting influencers who have a high number of followers / subscribers from various social media to use steemit and at the same time become regular promoters for PromoSteem

  • Provide curation to users who can invite new users to join. appreciate their hard work in steemit promotion. This is also one of the expectations of the PromoSteem community to help users who want to create steemit promotional posts.

  • Organize teams by country for promotion purposes. the team that is formed must focus on always making steemit promotions wherever they are and also through advertisements. it all depends on the projects they submit to PromoSteem for support.


There are several points that have been accomplished and some are not, because of that we are still working hard to make this community successful and can make other users enthusiastic about doing steem promos, and I personally also thank @stephenkendal which is the reason I am excited for create this community.

Some of the participants turned out to already have a Steemit account and some didn't, that's why we were only able to help a few participants register at Steemit, and other participants who already had accounts came to this event to learn more, they said.

These participants were present from the invitation we made through the WhatsApp application, and we also invited them by calling them to be able to attend.

The photo below is the moment when the promosteem team @ponpase @pojan moves to teach participants and see directly so that nothing is wrong in registering, because there are some participants who are confused when trying to register









Me, @arie.steem helping participants to register and also teaching some technical matters, so that participants can understand clearly and there are no errors in registration


When participants are registering for steemit, the picture above appears when they are on the sign up page. participants are thinking about a suitable username

And this event we closed when everyone had successfully registered and also exactly 2 hours we were in this room. We will try to continue to carry out these activities and hope that in the future we can make even bigger events.

Thank you for the participants who attended:

New UserOld User

Thank you very much to @teukumuhas for volunteering to help us take photos of this event. your help is very useful for us

Youtube Video

On this occasion we also introduce a new account that we have created to become the main account in helping other friends who have content about promosteem, this account aims to accommodate delegates from the community and also delagators who like this community. This aims to carry out the target from the third point of promosteem.

New AccountPurpose
@promosteem.comBecome an account to curate great promoters on the hashtag #promo-steem

Thank you to the promosteem team @pojan @ponpase

Thanks to: @steemcurator01 , @stephenkendal, @dobartim,
and anyone who has supported us

Author : @arie.steem
Contact Discord : arie.steem#4626
Twitter :

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