Free Distribution of Steemit T-Shirt to @elliamor1 to promote Steem


10% reward payout to

Greetings Dear promoters in! The strength of Steem growth have been all time promotion. There are so many ways to promote Steem for those who haven't heard about Steem. In my quest to increase visibility of people in Steem, one of my promo segment is printing of extra Steemit T-Shirts to distribute free of charge. My proudly sponsored is @stephenkendal who has been Sponsoring with Steem to be able to print more Steemit T-Shirts for free distributioin.


free distributioin of Steemit T-Shirt to @elliamor1

Today I gave out free Steemit T-Shirt to @elliamor1 to be used for his Steem promo Activities. I encouraged him to use the Steemit T-Shirt for promotion of Steem. Inviting people who are willing to join and increase the value of Steem and also invite Investors to Steem.


The rest of the Steemit T-Shirts will be given to competent Steem promoters to boost their activities. I will be eager to print and distribute more Steemit T-Shirts. Some serious promoters have shown up to build Steem with me and have requested to help them get some of these Steemit T-Shirts. I do as much as possible to print extra Steemit T-Shirts soon. Thanks to the great support from @stephenkendal.

Thanks for your attention!

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