Weekly Reflections #13 : Navigating 2024 with Positivity and Motivation | Hope For The Better

Hi steemit friends,

Success come to those who waits, I always hope for better things to happen especially for those wishes I did not achieve last year, this new year (2024) will be a prosperous one for us. This contest will helps participants to state some meaningful points on how to achieve their aim and objective.

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How does maintaining a positive mindset contribute to success?

An individuals needs to work harder in order to attains their target goals, success cannot come easily individuals needs to stay active and grab any opportunity that come their ways.

We needs to be happy all the time and celebrate with other people who have already achieve their goals, It is very sure that own success will locate us.

Relationship with successful people helps an individuals to quickly grow, we must distance our self with negative people because they do not encourage us to do good things in the family and society at large.

Individuals needs to be positive thinker all the time with the hope that everything will be alright no matter the condition we encounter in life. Nobody is perfect, we do mistake and from such mistake we learn new things which is later helps us in the journey of life.

Outline your strategies for staying motivated

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We all have different strategies we use for staying motivated, as a humans it is essential to have those strategies so as to enables how we plan our life effectively and efficiently.

Procrastination is a big problem, in facts is the major things I want to avoid by all means I just want to stay active, have strong determination and work towards my already establish plan.

Being lazy contribute to our failures and it also distance individuals from the things we should have been done on time. Through procrastination some individuals have lost so many opportunity by the time they realize it time have gone.

Avoiding procrastination will make an individual grow and become some body in real life.

Lastly, our health is very important above anything because health is wealth, eating good food contains balance diet will helps us fights against unwanted sickness in our body. Doings this will assists us continue to have strength, fit and work towards our aim and objective.

In what ways Steemit community contribute to your motivation?

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Steemit is my second home and the platform I benefits a lot from, I have mentors who always motivate me to continue my journey in steemit, some community full of experienced users who knows how this platform operate.

Through various content published in cryptoacademy community I understand some basic aspect in blockchain and terminology used, which is very rare to find in other community. Those article published in the community about technical analysis and crypto airdrop motivate me to continue working in steemit and I also make used of them to solve my real life problem.

The rewards and support I receive in different community motivate me and it also driving force which encourage users to perform better than previous one.


We dream to have a better future and to achieve that it require prayer, hardworking and patience. Although it's not easy except if we have strong believe and hope for the better thing to come at anytime. I would like to invite @rossnenye, @solaymann, @writer123 and @ridwant to join me in this contest.

10% goes to @worldsmile

Best regards

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