Weekly Reflections #24: "An Inspirational Person I Admire"

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[source] Les Brown Speech Podium: Edited in canva


It is really difficult to succeed in life without having someone who comes into our life, to help us navigate through the successes and the troubles that life presents to us. With them on our side we build courage, and lean on their experiences to overcome the storms of life. It is very important to have such people in our life because, their presence makes a difference.

Life does not just happen on its own as long as we aim to go higher. There are people we often look up to as we move to climbing the ladder of life. We hold them to high esteem because they wield some certain degrees of influences in our lives. Hence we tend to emulate them in their words, actions and dreams. This makes us to be accountable to them to ensure we remain in track of our various life endeavours.

Here and now, I present my inspirational person, Less Brown.


Les C. Brown, was born twin who is called Wesley. Les is an American politician and a motivational speaker who has inspired millions of people around the globe to grow beyond being ordinary to extra-ordinary persons. He was born on 17th February 1945 in miami florida, in United states of America and was adopted by a 38 years old single mother identified as mamie brown, who worked as a domestic assistant.


[source] Les Brown Speech Podium: Edited in canva

In his early ages, Les Brown was termed as someone with mental retardation and so would not perform well in school. This affected him emotionaly as it affected his self esteem negatively bringing his confidence low.

To take his destiny into his own hands, Les Brown started out as a radio presenter and failed on speech presentations several times. After the failires, he was later employed on full time capacity for on-air presentations. When his employment in on-air services was terminated, he got into politics.

As he became a politician, he contested for Ohio House of Representative and won the election in Ohio state legislature. He served as a member of the Ohio State house of Representative from 3rd January 1977 to 3rd January 1983.

After his stay in the Ohio House of Representgatives elapsed, he further pitched his career to television broadcasting and hosted several television programs. In September 1993, he was the anchor on his regular talk show with the title: The Les Brown show.

In 2011 and 2012, Les was shown on KFWB in California where he held a daily contributive radio presentations.


Light Blue White Clean Grid Family Photo Collage_20241219_044712_2.png
[source] Les Brown Speech Podium: Edited in canva

Due to the positive outstanding impacts seen as peoples' lives improve, Les has traveled far and near on many invitations to inspire young people to achieve their dreams in life. These invitations were made by business organizations, religious institutions, and schools. There are also records of parents who invited him to teach, coach, correct, and inspire their children to the path of self-discovery and accomplishing their dreams. His inspirational resources are recorded in the following:

  • Tapes

  • Compact discs

  • Digital versatile disc

  • Books and other digital format through which he could reach his audience.

Some of his inspiring artistic works prepared in videos and books are:

  • It's not over until you win

  • Live your dreams

  • Up thoughts for down times

  • Fight for your dreams
    ...and other of his inspiring works.


Light Blue White Clean Grid Family Photo Collage_20241219_044712_1.png
[source] Les Brown Speech Podium: Edited in canva

I came in contact with Les Brown and his inspiring resources in the year 2020. He was invited to deliver a message to a group of young persons who were said to have lost their interest in pursuing their dreams in life as a resulut of the challenges they are facing. He ignited the environment as he narrated his own story about his life. The entire audience including me, were swept on our feet as he looked deeply into our eyes and said “it is not over until you win.” This became a statement that brought new energy, hope, idea and vision that redirected my path back to track. I learnt from his own personal life story that no matter how and where life pushes me, I should keep on going and not to give up. This he said, is based on the fact that the universe has a space for everyone to succeed.
So until I succeed, there is no need to rest.

He is an emotional speaker who understands the struggles young people are passing through and assured that if he could rise to the level where he is now, then our background whether poor or rich, can not limit us.

After listening to him and then take some furthed steps that would improve my life for good, I contested for a position in my organization and won. His inspiring teachings and coachings also propelled me to start up a business. Although there are challenges aling the way, I keep moving.

So friends I finally say to you just as **Les said, “it is not over until you win”

I now invite the following persons:


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