Weekly Reflections #09 : A Letter to My Future Self | successful engineer on plaster of Paris (POP) ceilings.


picture taken from my phone

Greetings to all members of #STEEM FOR #BETTERLIFE, it's my pleasure to participate in this contest to show with you guys my future self, my targeting and budgeting. I also thanks our active moderator @damithudaya for creating this opportunity of imagination and prosperity. Everybody are looking for their future for a successful imagination, and sometimes budgeting always build up a better future. Plaster of Paris business is one of my favorites handwork that am actually working on to make some money, though sometimes this work depends on connection, it's actually helpful.

How do you want to see yourself in the future? (Short-term or long-term)

Achieving my goals of becoming successful on my personal handwork is the wish of my dreams almost everyday, sometimes I feel like achieving it instantly. What am trying to say is, a lot of people are making money from plaster of Paris work some people really get connection making them to work regularly and gather some money. Though work is really lack especially this season, but even with that, those with connection still has some work that keep them busy, and that's what everybody are looking for. Making money from handwork really depends on connection, I mean you need to be popular an familiar with a lot civil engineers and builders or sometimes surveyors because they all have connection to building. and that's exactly what am targeting. If you're are an engineer or architect reading this my post please feel free to drop some comments about how I can contact you to make friends and familiar with you.

What challenges do you expect to face, and how do you hope to overcome them?

picture taken from my phone

They're some kind of ceilings design I may not really know how to create the accurate shaped, though sometimes this always happens depending on the shape of a building or structure of the building. And another thing is it's hard to have connections with politicians in our country but if such a privilege open and you definitely win a job from them that means you have explored, that's a kind of booming.

How do you hope to overcome them?

Sometime plaster of Paris ceiling work didn't actually delivered successful as a single man. What am trying to is, you would not actually work alone you would work as a group, so working as a group give you chance of getting an idea from your fellow workers making it easy to settle up the design issues. I remember even when I was a learned I also support my boss in providing some certain advice on to spots out a P.O.P design in a ceiling. On that same way dealing with a big work containing a lot of design I will contact others, I mean other P.O.P workers and request for an idea on how to spots out any kind of design if my idea isn't capable to, but this thing isn't always happens.

What are the things that matter most to you right now?

As we all grow day by day, everybody are looking for a way to achieve their dream of becoming successful in life, that's also what am really after with. My target is to build up a successful future, boom my handwork by making myself more populated and run my job perfectly. It's really matter before soon I would also manage my own family and become a father 😹

Describe one lesson you learned so far that you want to carry with you into the future

picture taken from my phone

Achievement can actually failed without having patient, this is what I learned so far an I believe it's going to help me to endure till I succeed. It's hard to achieve a better future instantly, everything needs patient and endurance plus efforts. I think that's actually what can make us to achieve a #betterlife.


The ability of achievement success is all depends on how we work towards our dreams. I believe I can succeed in archiving my dream of becoming successful on a plaster of Paris ceiling work by working actively towards the targeting, the work is all base on connection and that's my target. Nothing can stop my bright future if I invested my time and effort towards my achievement.

I'll like to invite @bossj23 @allison001 and @ngoenyi to also participate in this contest.


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