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Greetings to you all, I am delighted to show my participation in the above don'test topic, thank you all for your presence on my blog, a very special thanks to @goodybest for such a wonderful contest topic and I am glad to show my participation too.

Resinlence: Resilence is a situation whereby, an individual is passing through a lot in life especially tough situation whereby, an individual is pained, hurt and shattered but still moving on with life. The life of resilience is something I dont pray for at all.

In your view what is resilience, and how important is this quality?

The act of withstanding, coping, being strong in troubles and pains is what is called resilience, a point at which you are not ready to let go nomatter how difficult and hard it is . One keeps looking forward to fight and excel in it. Now, resilience is very quality, and if someone posseses this heart of resilience I dont think there will be anything that would shake such an individual.

Share your life experience with us and how you're thriving even with the challenge (s).

Alright, during my undergraduate, nothing was funny, at a point in time I wanted to give up the school because the school is so hard for me to cope, for school fee, house rent, foodstuff, clothes and transportation

Life was hell, sometime I will get school fee to pay but there will be no money for rent, parents were supporting but the support was never as much as it is supposed. Mostimes I forfeit my clases and go into jobs that would pay me such as washing of plates in a restaurant but do you know that, the little hustle helped me and today I am a graduate? Anyone with a resilience heart is a great being.

What do you do to build resilience?

As we all know, resilience is not an easy task, you must be strong at heart to posses that life of resilience. So it takes only people with great minds to overcome situations in their lives.

First thing to do in order to build resilience is having it at the back of your mind that everything is possible in life, telling yourself that you can do it, standing firm by your words, if you must overcome situations in life you must not be lazy, be hardworking and I promise you that resilience will greatly be part of you.

A message for all those facing life's challenges

To my dear friends, problems and tough times are inevitable in this life, and as far as you are a human being, you must encounter problems in your life.

Stand firm, stand still, stand up, wake up, and take up your right. Do not let anything way you down you know why? You can do it. Posses resilience in your life, make it part of you and every other thing will be easy in your life.

**Thank you all, and I love you. **

I want to invite @pea07, @josepha, and @ninapenda to join the contest also.

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