My Traditional Delight!


To me I see traditional delight as a delicacies we enjoyed in our locality on a weekly basis. Here in Nigeria we have and enjoys different set of vegetables. There is no week in our life that we skip vegetables in our meals.
Seeing this contest, l choose melon soup as one of my traditional delight.

Melon soup is generally known here and comes with different methods of preparation. I will here bring to you all, one of the ways we prepared Mellon soup in my local area.


•Bitter leaf
•Water leaf
•Salt to taste
•Palm oil
•Seasoning cubes
• Water


The cooking process.

I started by properly wash all ingredients, preheated my melon, chopped waterleaf, bitter leaf, pound crayfish and cut periwinkles as shown above.

The first Cooking step comes with washing and seasoning of my meat, stockfish, and fish. These are proteinous part of the meals and set aside


The next step comes with putting the another pot on fire, add a little quantity of oil to it and allow it on fire for like half a minute.


Adding salt and sliced onion to the oil comes next. Then I turn in my blended Melon and then stir consistently for proper mixing.


Next is to put my prepared waterleaf and stir immediately for few seconds.


After putting a measurable quantity of it, I added my seasoned meat, stock fish and fish, then crayfish, periwinkle and all other ingredients. l covered my pot and allowed it on fire for about 5 minutes.


I added my bitter leaf, crayfish again and finally red oil. After like two minutes my delicious Eguzi soup is ready.


I dished my portion and enjoy it with Garri. Some people prefer eating with fufu.



This meal is special to me because it is one of my favourite meals. It is of course popularly known by many African as Eguzi soup and easily found in virtually all restaurants and Eateries.
This meal is a very good source of calcium, fat and oil and different vitamins.

The meals improves appetite and aids digestion easily. It contains antioxidant properties, which slow down the aging process and some pathogens.

Melon soup improves skin and prevents malnutrition because it keeps one nourished because of the healthy ingredients used in preparing it such as all the proteinous ingredients I mentioned here. It is very good also for the heart because it contains unsaturated fat. Melon oil is very good for our skin and hair when extracted.

I would like to invite @bela90, @dove11 and @josepha and @nahela to share their traditional delight. My special thanks goes to @goodybest for organising this thrilling contest.

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