Hello Steemians. How are you all doing?
Thank you@goodybest for organizing this powerful contest. It is a great opportunity to participate in this powerful topic. Before i proceed i will love to invite @presh07,@deprincedeman and @alexenderpeace to participate in this contest

In your view what is resilience, and how important is this quality?

Resilience is the ability to withstand difficulties and challenges. It is the capacity to go through pressure and come out stronger. Resilience as a quality is very important for us as humans.The world is full of difficulties and challenges and your ability to stay strong and push is what will make you achieve your goals in life. For a man to succeed he as to be resilient. No body that has ever given up due to pressure was able to achieve their dreams.


Share your life experience with us and how you're thriving even with challenge (s)?

Gaining admission into the higher institution has taught me alot. The pressure i face keeps increasing. Ranging from academics to ministry and finances. Just recently the financial pressure on me increased. Sincerely i felt it was too much but then again i reminded myself that nobody succeeds without pressure. Pressure brings out the sweetness in you. Through pressure hidden abilities surface. With this consciousness i decided to push knowing that i become stronger and better by going through pressure.

What do you do to build resilience?

Building resilience is not easy but i will say the first thing to do is build a positive mindset."Your life gravitates towards the direction of your mind". Build a mindset of a successful man, that is why buying of books is very important. Build your mindset positively to the point that nothing can change it. Another way you build resilience is establishing goals.


A vision less man cannot build resilience. Having a picture in your mind and pursuing it makes you resilience. Have a vision, set goals that have a deadline for it and pursue it. You can also build resilience by purpose discovery when you have discovered purpose it easier for you to build resilience. Knowing the part you should take . A confused individual cannot be resilient.

"A message for all those facing life's challenges"

Life is in stages and phases. Every pressure is for a season. No matter what you are going through don't give up. It difficult to explain why you failed in life. Read books on people that have gone through the part you are taking and how they emerged successful. There is no great person without scars. Your scars are what will impact the next generation. So don't give up, in all you do keep moving.

Thank you reading. Your comments are welcomed.

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