Adjusting my schedule to fit in different activities


At the start of the day, with a sleepy eyes i woke up to prepare for the days activities as everyone has work to go. My husband assisted with house chores which makes it very fast for us to finish on time and get ready to go out.

I had a meeting with some group of family members and friends later in the evening and I needed to go out to the ministry in the morning.

Before leaving the house

So after preparing breakfast, we ate as a family then took my bathe and dressed up to the ministry. Baby will be going with me so I also prepare her get some necessary things that she will need while away from home then we went out to enjoy the ministry while searching for friends of peace.

I was able to visit as many friends as possible and then my partner was really supportive as she was willing and also shows practical help in caring my baby for me.

In the field ministry

So after some hours my daughter was already sleeping and she didn't allow any other person to carry her. by this time her weight was too much for me to use baby carrier so this is where I closed for the day and I went back home.

There is one interesting part in my daughter that I discovered yesterday, I will share my experience in child raising someday. Raising a child is not an easy thing in fact I even had to call my mum to thank her for raising us successfully.

Coming back home, one of my Christian sister invited us to her house, my baby was happy to play with her kids, she had fun time with the kids. We talked about so many things and then I didn't regret my stay in the sisters house.

After having lunch, baby took a nap then I joined her after watching some tutorial videos on a skill I'm learning online.

I started preparing for the online meeting, I cleaned up the room I'm using, adjusted the setting of my laptop, then checked if my ring light is still working as it was going to be late in the night, Nigerian time.

Checking the ring light

I was assisted by my hubby to checked for technical issues, until everything was adjusted fine, internet network was also tested then i allowed some time for my devices to be charged. During this break, I posted a health post, I've been working on for some days now. You can read about it here Steem for better health program #9: Natural remedy for Insomnia

Adjusting my camera

I also used this opportunity to prepare dinner, my hubby and his brother wanted to eat meat and drinks for dinner. They said they didn't feel like eating any other thing, so I had pork meat in the freezer and tomato sauce so I used it for preparing the meat.

It was easy to prepare because all the ingredients were prepared already.


The meeting was interesting, we talked about so areas we need to adjust on when it comes to how we take our responsibility and how we view patients while working, counselling, drug adherence was also discussed. It was a general professional meeting, some of our board members were invited to join.

The meeting was encouraging and great ideas were shared on how to be perfect in my field of studies. It lasted for about 4 hours because it takes a long time for everybody to say something during the meeting. Network issues came up, but even with that it was fun because I did not dose off while the meeting was on, the funny engagement helps us stay awake during the zoom meeting.


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