The Diary Game | 07/05/2022


It's another precious time to put down a piece in this community again and today, I will be sharing my diary for the day to tell you how I spent my Saturday during the last weekend. It's going to encompass my indoor and outdoor activities for the day. Kindly journey with me on this as I share my diary with you and I am sure you are going to have a great read.

My Diary- 7/05/2022

Morning Session

It's Saturday and it was 5:30 am when I was forced to leave the bed to the sound of my alarm, yes I call that a forced one because I slept very late but I had to set the alarm such that I can get ready for the day as early as possible. I have always utilized my Saturday morning for football sessions, if I don't have the chance to play during the weekdays, I ensure to some extent that I don't miss the early Saturday session.

The football session usually kicks off at my playing pitch at 7:30 am and before it was 6:45 am I was ready. I took a picture before leaving the house with the help of one of the guys staying in my compound whom I called to help me with a picture.

The First picture of the weekend | Location

After taking the pictures, I kept my phone inside the house and locked the door, that's because I can't be so sure of the safety of my property at the football ground. I walked about 20 mins to the junction then hopped into a commercial bus to reach the location. I enjoyed playing the early morning football and got back home around 10:30 am.

On my arrival home, I took my bath. Before I entered the kitchen to make my breakfast, I checked a few messages on my social media platforms like replying to my dad's daily messages and others. I chose to take spaghetti and fried eggs with a chicken I had left the previous day, for the breakfast. It was almost noon before my meal was ready and I ate. Take a look at my breakfast below.

The Breakfast | Location

Afternoon Session

It's noon and time to work. I navigated my browser to Steemit, precisely, the Academy community as I worked on the entries that has been submitted in the second week of the ongoing contest on Steemit. The checking of the entries went on for a while as I review great articles that have been made by the participants.

When it was 3 pm, I suspended a few works at hand to watch the football match between Chelsea and Wolves, I'm actually a Chelsea football club supporter. Unfortunately, the game ended in disappointment for my team as two goals lead was turned around to draw against Wolves, it was a painful one for me though.

Evening Session

The football game ended and I started curating articles that were made under the fintech tag, the curation work went smoothly as I came across some quality content made by users. The power supply is not regular these days, there is a need to get petrol for my engine so that I can be able to generate electricity for the house at night. When it was about 5:30 pm, I stepped out to visit a petroleum station to purchase the fuel. I took a selfie while going out.

Selfie | Location

I returned home, put on the generator, and continued curating articles under our tag. The activity went on for a while, for a few hours before I put an end to curation for the day, I ensured that all quality articles that have been made so far for the day were curated. I only had a fruit drink for the night, put off the generator, and called it a day.


In conclusion, I have shared with you today my diary for the day which involves my Saturday football session, my activities on Steemit for the day, and other activities I got involved in for the day. I'm glad to have been able to share my diary with you today and I hope you had a great read. Thanks for reading this far and I look forward to sharing with you another day. Steem-On.

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25% beneficiary set to @worldsmile

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