Hello good everyone here my participation in the contest


In your opinion, what is resilience and what importance does this quality have?

It is the human nature that always prevails because, in reality, there is no other option; surrendering is falling to the lowest point and depending on others' pity, living an emotional burden that only drags you down. Therefore, overcoming oneself at every step is essential to avoid falling out of society and thus maintaining an acceptable image and economy to not become a neighborhood embarrassment.


Foto de Reyna Montgomery:

Share your life experience with us, and how are you thriving even with challenges?

I always did what was necessary to survive, engaged in many jobs, some specialized that required a lot of study, and later in more common ones. Until last year when I had knee surgery and it didn't go well at first; I couldn't even move for a couple of months. So, I told myself, "This is going to last, what can I do in the meantime?" That's when I started studying programming, learned various programming languages, although I saw that it would take time to earn money and establish a presence. That's when I found Hive and Steemit, as well as other apps to earn money and get discounts on products, allowing me to generate money for many important things, even though I still can't work.

What do you do to develop resilience?

I don't give up, I look for ways every day to see how to earn money and maintain good spirits because the only thing we can control is our mood. Everything else is automatic behaviors, which is why humor and a pleasant character open doors in life, and that's something we can do. Even on days when we are at the bottom of the well, the sun always rises for a new beginning.

A message for all those facing life's challenges.

Life is only one and quite short. The sooner you realize this, the better. There is no time to waste because wasted time comes only when you have a good day because the stars aligned. Use it to become better at whatever it is, be extremely sociable, remember names, and meet business people. Making contacts and talking about commercially influential people makes others see you as someone important. The goal is to meet people, remember their names, and mention them in your conversations until you connect with people who know others. This builds familiarity, and getting to know business people can provide opportunities for new processes and learning, both as a person and in new business ventures.


Foto de Vasilis Karkalas:

Until here, greetings.


invito a @nicolasleroy @ezequiel543 @ruthflores

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