The first rain of the year || Blessing or a curse? || A Visual Story...

We needed this. We desperately needed this. Today it rained for the first time in Karachi this year. A proper 3 hour long rain. It has been extremely hot since the past 2 months, with temperature rising as high as 45°c.

Even today, the sun was shining bright on us in the morning. There had been forecast of rain but with Karachi, you can never be too sure. Infact, I was in the University since 8 am and there had no signs of God being merciful on this city. There were no clouds, extremely hot weather accompanied wuth deadly humidity. And then.... It just happened.


Within a matter of seconds, clouds encompassed us from all sides and it rained. It rained like it had never before or maybe I felt like this as we have been deprived of rain for over 11 months now. It rained and brought it's blessings and tranquility with it. It rained and it made us all happy. The University bus were parked at the gate waiting for the students to get in but no one wanted to do that.

No matter how 'boring' I might become due to responsibilities. Or how mature I am, there's still a little kid in me that just wants to dance in the rain. Who wants to splash rain water on his friends. Who wants to enjoy rain with his eyes closed and listening to the water pouring on the ground. But I wasn't allowed to do that. More like I couldn't do that, as I had to reach home as soon as possible with my brother, in car. We were about to head out of the main University gate in our car, and that is where, I don't know, what hit me, I abruptly stopped the car. Asked my brother to take over and got out of the car. I told him to go home as I'll be staying in the university a little bit more.

At that time, it was only me and a couple of mg friends who were trying to switch on their bike which was not working due to rain. The three of us made a spontaneous plan of staying the night at my friend's house. That is when I enjoyed rain. I enjoyed it like I have never done for a very very long time. I was happy. I was soo so happy.









Now came the hard part but I was ready to face whatever the life wanted me to face in this weather. The three of us had to travel on a bike in extreme rain to my friends house, which was at a distance of 10 kilometers. We were excited to do it. So we placed our bags in a big trash bag and rode on. On our way we stopped at a local tea restaurant (dhaaba) to have tea in rain. What a heavenly experience, I swear.






What happened next, I couldn't capture that on my phone but trust me when I say we went through hell, we really did. The water was so much on the roads that it was moving in waves. That's the worst thing about Karachi, there's no proper drainage system. Anyway, our phones were in our bags. As we were travelling towards our friend's house, the bike broke down in the middle of nowhere with water reaching as high as up our knees. Had to carry our bike for almost half a kilometer and then finally reached to our destination. My friend was already waiting for us with three fresh towels at the gate. As soon as we entered he clicked a picture and then handed us over the towels. We dried ourselves up and then took a bath to settle down.


After taking rest and having a short nap, we ordered two deals from Burger o clock which costed us:



Well that's it from my side. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Meet you tomorrow, if there's another day of rain, another different story.

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