Weekly Reflections #07 : Life's Turning Points | Achieving the Best goal


"Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." - Mahatma Gandhi.

Life is filled with presents that are yet to be opened, I have always appreciated this gift of life and ready to unlock this presents daily. We have couple of goals to achieve and sometimes we need the right motivation to keep us moving.

Going to school and reaching the tertiary level is almost everyone's dream, because it is not an easy race everyone wishes to move to this stage and pass through it with nice grades and then graduate, from there have a very fruitful and meaningful life. I was always happy and ready to further my education to the tertiary level, but there were stages of examinations that would determine if you will go or not, I took these examinations waiting for the approval from the school, at this point my life will change and one of my life's goal would have been achieved, there's no greater joy than having an achievement.

Describe a small personal achievement/ victory that brought immense joy to your life.

Still on that motion, I was very ready always checking my phone and notifications to know if I was given this admission to study in the university, days after days I kept on checking and I finally I was offered the admission. The kind of joy I received from this was very great, it was a very big achievement for me, to achieve one of my goals. This changed my life, to keep on moving and never give up till I achieved all of them. I made progress in school and I went for my matriculation with my family, they came and celebrated this achievement with me and so did others. My friends also came because they knew what journey this was, and how great the achievement was for me.


What are the emotions and thoughts that accompanied in that moment?

There was no time to be sad, I have joy and gladness in my heart and I knew this was the beginning of my biggest achievements, I knew I will achieve things greater than that at the moment. On that day of my matriculation into school, they were thousands of other matriculating students looking so happy, and rejoicing, they had their family and friends and they went on to merry with foods and drinks, and anyone could go get a free food from them. Nothing will make this sad at this moment apart from serious personal issues, I was very happy and had thoughts of accomplishments, I was so happy to start the journey I know I will end with joy, since I started it with joy I will end it with joy.


How do these little victories contribute in inspiring your for your ultimate goal

This little victory and achievement which I had is like a path to reach my ultimate goal and without it I cannot reach this goal, this little achievement I had was the beginning of my achievements and a key to unlocking others, so it has brought inspiration in every angle to reaching my ultimate goal


We shouldn't ever be discouraged in any way to give up on our goal, we should take a step because the journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.

Would love to invite

@davidmarkgeorge @godswillokon @johnmitchel to take part
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