In life, I don't believe in the word giving up. Giving up has always been my last option no matter how depressed I am, but resilience has always been my option which is the word that usually motivates me to recover from depression or anything that is trying to bring me down. In this resilience which is my source of motivation is what I have discussed here as organized by @goodybest.

In your view what is resilience, and how important is this quality?

@josepha (1).jpgCanvas*

Resilience is the mental ability of a person to recover fast (quickly) from illness, misfortune, or depression. It is also seen as the ability of a person to bounce back or come out quickly from issues.

As a human, we can easily get depressed or suffer from illness, and our ability to recover quickly from whatever is disturbing us is what is known as resilience.

Resilience in our place of work is simply the capacity of a company or organization to adapt and return to profits due to consequences of crisis, failure of equipment, and so on.

If you are been faced with challenges in your place of work or personal life, the ability you come out from it is what is called resilience.

The Importance of quality of resilience

Being resilient is very important to our health as a person who is resilient he or she can come out from trouble, depression, and worries quickly. However, some of the important of resilience are:

  • You will learn fast and achieve more in life

  • It helps you to become a better person

  • It helps you to have good health instead of thinking

  • Being resilient helps you to grow higher in life.

Share your life experience with us and how you're thriving even with the challenge (s).

The news of death is one thing that weakens a person's heart, which no matter how strong that a person is the sad news of that person losing his or her loved one mostly the person that is closer to his or her heart that person will eventually feel bad, weak, and even depress if care is not taking.

Losing my good and sweet Mom in the cool hand of death during my final year in school when I was preparing to write my final examination and as well my project defense I got the sad news that my sweet and beloved mother is no more.

Hearing the sad news I felt so bad about it and got depressed for over two weeks before I was able to thrive myself out of the challenge.

I thrived from being depressed about the death of my mom, by understanding that death is what everyone would encounter in life and that no matter how I cry and starve myself from eating my Mom will not come back to life after understanding all this I began retrieving myself from thinking.

What do you do to build resilience?

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Well, I don't know anything special to build resilience other than understanding the cause of my problem and then looking for the solutions to my problem. However, besides doing this, I do the following things to build resilience.

  • Studying God's words

  • Staying in a lonely place and thinking

  • Eating good foods, and fruits and drinking soft drinks

  • Associating with friends.

A message for all those facing life's challenges

To all those facing life's challenges I want to encourage you to run to God who alone knows our beginning and end in life. Whatever challenges you are facing in life share your feelings with your Loved ones or someone whom you think can be of help to you.

Don't hide yourself or distance yourself from people when you know you are depressed. Being depressed and disassociating yourself from people is wrong, rather associate with people, and before you know it you will start laughing and forget about your sorrow.

I am humbly inviting: @dove11, @entity01, @bossj23

@worldsmile 10%

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