Street Food Contest : Coffee Shop Review - Hero kupi platinum coffee shop by,@jufrimj


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hello steemian friend

On this occasion I took part in a contest organized by @clen.civil with the theme Review Coffee Shop Coffee, North Aceh has several caffees that you can visit and enjoy with friends and family. In addition to offering a variety of menus, the cafe also has a contemporary design. Many teenagers hang out at this cafe, not just sitting down for coffee, but even capturing photo moments with their friends.


This time I will review Caffee Hero Kupi Platinum because I almost every day stop by for a moment to enjoy a cup of coffee, if you visit you can also enjoy Acehnese coffee at Caffee Hero Kupi Platinum, the coffee is brewed by myself. The coffee potion is very special because it uses a mixture of corn, corn kernels, sugar and butter. All these ingredients are combined with robusta coffee beans.


There is also the process of brewing and filtering coffee is very unique. The coffee is filtered using a white and thin cloth that is transferred from one dipper to another so that the coffee is ready to be put in a glass. The price is very affordable, starting from 5 thousand rupiah for a mini glass (pancong) to 8 thousand rupiah a glass.

At Caffee Hero Kupi Platinum, not only filter coffee, many other coffee menus, there are Robusta coffee, Arabica, black coffee, milk coffee, and others. Prices vary according to what we ordered, starting at 10 thousand rupiah to 25 thousand rupiah. In addition to coffee, the coffee shop also provides typical culinary delights, traditional cakes such as ade cakes, timpan, jala cakes, and others.



The food menu available at Caffee Hero Kupi Platinum includes village fried rice, dignity, fried noodles and many other menus.

that's my review about the hero kupi platinum caffee shop, if you have any input and suggestions, you can comment on the post.

Best regards,@jufrimj

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