My exams diary : How my first semester exams went: May17 - June 2

This is my exams diary. Not a regular daily diary though, so I'll be giving you details about how my last semester exams went.

Not everyone who writes an exam comes out happy to tell about it. But, I'll tell you about mine, not because it went perfectly fine but because it actually is worth it.
so let's set the ball rolling.

Day 1


My first exams was math. I mean, it was literally my first examination in the university. I felt all nervous at the start. I had to put ear plugs filled with inspirational and uplifting songs. That morning I slipped into my jean trouser and native top, I didn't want want to appear the usual. I went much early. Though the exams was slated to start by 11am, I was already there by 9am.
On reaching the school, the exams started about 1pm. We got arranged and wrote it.

A few hours later, I lost the nervousness.
Next two days had to be my next exam. oooouuu, I got ya prepare.

Day 2


Another day to retain some nervousness. I wasn't much early into the exam time but in less than 45mins after my arrival, we were asked to file in. I quickly brushed through few question papers then ran I to the hall.

We sat for long, writing attendance, arranging other departments and doing the necessaries.I took the long minutes to pray for retention, peace of mind and grace. They still didn't start, so I went into the theta phase to help rest my brain

pssttt, you're wondering whatever that means right?

It's some learning strategy I learnt from some famous teacher. It's a shame I can't exactly remember his full name. But I do remember the things I learnt.

On starting, the first page of questions were the past questions I had taken a quick glance at.
I was Soo happy I did it. if not, I'd be blank.

Day 3

Practical physics. An exams you don't even know what to expect. But all the same, we did it. We saw crazy questions, startling ones and all worth not. But we still had to write that and we still did. All the same it wasn't all totally "out of this world" because many things there were things we've done before.


Day 4

Chemistry 111 was a blast. Many things I saw were questions from my tutorial teacher and from secondary school. It did go well though some stuff were hard to recall being that it's been a little long, but trust your girl, it's nothing less than a B if no an A.

Day 5

Few days later, we all sat for bio 112
The questions were out of this world, but we did it. Many came out crying but I came out thanking God. The questions were a bit tough, but they were in types and I was grateful for my type.

Day 6

Another chemistry day, practical this time though. We spent the morning reading and jacking the manual. But we barely saw many things from there. It was way very easy no doubt, except for a very few options I missed. But it's ok, atleast I'm sure of the majority.

Day 7

It finally came. The last day for our science courses, Bio 123. That's practical biology. Another day to write beautifully if you ask me. Everything had been just the past questions I did a day before. I finished before time but never in a hurry to submit. I held on to my paper and started reconfirming my work before submitting.

Day 8

The last but mighty general studies abbreviated as GSTs. We sat for both of it one day, starting with English. Twas a bit tactical but easy.
The next was philosophy, t'was a heck though but I had done some revisions with my friends the day before so it was a much easier for me.

Then I could now heave a sigh of relief. Alas, the deed had been done. Too bad I didn't have enough pictures for each day, so I guess this will do.

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