Weekly Reflections #07 : Life's Turning Points | the victory of my temptation....

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Hi guys, greetings to you all, I trust you all enjoy and had amazing day, I'm glad to join this heart blowing contest by @damithudaya, all I wish from you all is a mind of reading and understanding, endeavor to read my blog.


Life is full of temptation which sometimes push someone to go astray, the most awful thing about temptation is that it comes from any corner, it might be from your school, your environment, your work premise even from the people you love, at times people archive their archiement by having to pass through temptation while other people's archive their archiement without stressed and temptation, experienced has taught me that being truth worthy and having a well trained conscious can help fight and overcome my temptation and archive our archiement, dear steemians journey with me as I give you a breathdown of how I archive my Victory/archiement.

Describe a small personal achievement/ victory that brought immense joy to your life

Back then in 2021 when I started my life newly, I got a job from a pure water company in my locality which is Uyo, after working for some months I was accused of cheating my boss which God withness I didn't perform such behavior.


It was on Sunday, anytime we work on Sunday we get compensation so I decided to work at least to have some pocket money, I and other workers work as usual, we all worked till night came and some people used the advantage of the night to cheat and I didn't notice, they hide some bundle of packing bag,( the bag we package pure water)


and trash with the waste bin, unluckily my boss wife saw it the next day and everyone accused me, it was deeply tough with me.

My boss didn't believe because I argue, after some months pass I went to work early as usual, on my way to the dressing room I saw a piece of ten thousand naira note, I was shocked at first as everyone else could shock and several thought came upon me the decision was to made by me and no one else, the truth is I didn't knew who kept the money but the best decision at that moment was to give the money to my boss and explain everything and so I did, guess what!!!! My boss collected the money and thanked me, I was shocked when he said he tempt me but I passed the process, trust me word alone cannot express how I felt that day.

Until today I'm still working there and up to the 8 workers that work that day just two are left the rest are no way to be found.

LESSON: Being trustworthy and having a well trained conscious can help archive your archievement in some cases, most Importantly it save people.

What are the emotions and thoughts that accompanied in that moment?

Just like I said earlier, several thoughts came upon me immediately I saw that piece of ten thousand naira, part of the three emotion that kept me thinking are who misplaced this money? Should I take take this money and pretend as if I don't know anything about it? Should I return this money to my boss? I was save because of my well trained conscious and been trustworthy.

How do these little victories contribute in inspiring your for your ultimate goal?

At first, I was weak and discouraged when those brat accused me of cheating I mean... There was a time I felt like quitting as the pressure was much but after I passed my boss temptation guys I was cheerful and that was my inspiration, assuming I quit the job as I felt, where will I get the money to bought the new phone that I am using to work in #steemit today?

I'll love to invite
and @emmy001 to join me in this contest.

Thank you all for reading ❤️.

the first picture of me by the right hand side of this content was not captured the day, week, month or the year I encounter with that situation but it express how I felt that particular period
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