Weekly Reflections #09 : A Letter to My Future Self | be contented...

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Greetings to the great people of steem for better life, I trust life is been fair with you all, I'm happy to participate In this interesting contest and I hope you all enjoy reading my entry, journey with me as I share my thoughts.


There's a particular common way I normally think of seeing myself in the future, finally this contest is here to open my mouth and I'm ready to speak out to my fellow steemians, leave a rewiew if you think it's bad or good.

How do you want to see yourself in the future? (Short-term or long-term)


In my entire life I always think that leaving a life that please God is the best way to survive in the future, this way of my thinking always push me to dreams about leaving a responsible life that please God in the future.

In terms of being popular or rich man in the future, I understand it's good to be rich but it comes with risk which I can't afford to handle, so in the future I want to see myself having what eat, outfit to wear and a place to reside with my household

I see this process as a long term but when I am able to archive the above minimum things in the future, trust me it will be a dream come true, I'll be indeed proud.

What challenges do you expect to face, and how do you hope to overcome them?


Leaving a Life like this of mind require contentment to succeed so one of the challenge I'll have to face is contentment, that means I'll have to be contented in what I have, it will be complicated to overcome this challenge as people out there will always do things to impress either me or my family.

I believe that in every challenge there's a key to overcome it and with God all things are possible, so I hope to plan a healthy budget and stick to it, seek help from my heavenly father and I'm sure he will help me out because he always did.

When my family and i are content with the little things we have, there will be happiness and when there's happiness, that challenge that seems to be complicated will be like a fly ball, easy to kick.

What are the things that matter most to you right now?


Having a dream is one thing, working to accomplish the dream is another thing and it's the important thing to consider, right now what matters most to me is working hard to archive my dreams, I put my mind in my dreams and I won't rest until it comes true.

Describe one lesson you learned so far that you want to carry with you into the future

My mon came from a rich family that everyone knew about in my community, but her lifestyle doesn't seems like someone who come from a rich family, why? Because my grandparent thought they gonna be young forever and their money will keep growing without a source that generate income, now their end is worster than their beginning.

My grandparents story is what I'll forget in my grave because it has taught me a lot of lessons so far, one lesson their story taught me is empowerment, when I have kids I must make sure I empower them to archive their dreams so when I'm at old age my mind will rest because there will be people to rely solely on.


it's good to keep records of how we want to see ourselves in the future, it reminds us about the good things we wish to accomplish in the future and gives us more reasons to work hard, my kind of future life seems to be uninterested but the best way to survive is to live a responsible life that please God because he will always comfort us, (PSALM 55:22).

I'll love to invite @bossj23 @bela90 and @allison001 to participate in this contest.

to all of you reading my post, I wish y'all the best of life ❤️🫂.
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