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Greetings! everyone, This week, we joined numerous new contests, and I hope that everyone who is able and wants to participate in this challenge will do so with me. In this challenge, I would like to thank the STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE community and my friend @goodybest for conducting this beautiful challenge. In any case, I'd want to participate. I'd want to meet everyone's creations and convey my best wishes.

Resilience, it was the capacity or ability of an individual or a system to transform itself in such a way that it is better able to overcome difficulty, challenges, and stress. It is an innate characteristic that allows us, regardless of the challenges we face in life, to do so with bravery, fortitude and optimism. Resilience is not something that one has inborn and cannot be changed but a skill; therefore, with the right tools, individuals can develop their resilience. It is one of the most important characteristics that enable us to surmount challenges and derive lessons from our past, become better people in the process.

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There is a good number of challenges that I have encountered since my life began, but throughout the period, one has always been determined to remain hopeful and resilient. The most serious problem that I encountered was the job loss in time of COVID That was not a pleasant period in my life, but I tried to maintain a positive attitude and looked for new options. I utilized my time gathering new capabilities, networking, or even discovering new career paths. However, I was later able to find a similarly good job that I enjoy very much and now am glad for having had the opportunity since it introduced me to value resilience and perseverance.

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In a bid to attain resilience, I make sure that the sources of self-care, mindfulness and positive thinking are maintained. I am careful to maintain my physiological and psychological well-being through having a balanced diet, doing regular exercises or sporting activities, as well as adequate rest. I also meditate by YOGA, and as a result, it keeps me composed by being in focused cases of overwhelming times. In the end, I make an effort to remain positive about life because I tend to focus on things that are positive in my life and appreciate what I have.

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I want to say all those people who experience difficulties in their lives that they are not alone in the world. All of us have challenges in the real world, but our genesis is determined by how we handle such situations. Keep in mind that resilience is a characteristic acquired over time, but which can be honed and improved. Instead, concentrate on self-care, positivity and reframing own life. Trust yourself, and if the need arises to ask for help, then do so. You are stronger than you can imagine, and this will pass by.

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Finally, resilience is one of the critical qualities that enable us to accept hardships, embrace them in order to learn and then continue with life better individuals. It is a developing skill or one that can improve long-term through self-care, mindfulness, and positive thinking. It is important to recall that you are not alone; therefore, with resilience of bouncing back and a positive attitude towards life problems, barriers or challenges one can overcome. Stay strong, be positive and keep pursuing.

Similarly, I enthusiastically invite my friends to take part in this challenge @stephanie-hakel, @miguelc11, @hamidaheks.

Contest link : - @goodybest/new-contest-alert-building-resilience-thriving-in-the-face-of-challenges-and-adversity

I'm hoping you all enjoy this.
Thank you, my friends.
With best wishes,

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