Hello friends

In your view what is resilience, and how important is this quality?

Resilience is simply the mental ability of a person to recover quickly from illness, misfortune, or depression. We all need to make ourselves resilient no matter the type of challenges we are facing in life. The ability to come out quickly from whatever you are facing or take as a challenge is what resilience is.


Resilience is very important because having such quality will make you come out of depression, worries sadness, or anything that is disturbing you physically or mentally in life. It is also important as it makes someone stay healthy and happy for the time, which makes you not be afraid of your worries.

Share your life experience with us and how you're thriving even with challenge (s)?

Once upon a time which was about 5 years ago, I felt so depressed and worried and thought of quitting school I got resilience and thrived back stronger than I was.


I went and used my final year school fees, and house rent for betting which at some point in my I began feeling the mistake that I put myself in. I thrive by not letting what happened to me to bring me down which I motivated myself, by engaging in a part-time.

I engaged myself in both schooling and hustling at that time for over three months before, I was able to recover the money that I spent on bitting. My challenges don't let me down, as I look for solutions and solve them immediately.

What do you do to build resilience?

What I do to build resilience is very simple which is the strategy that has been helping me for a long. Having said that the things that I do are:

  • I pray to God for strength and wisdom.

  • I engaged myself with people who can motivate and inspire me.

  • I keep trying and never let my failure bring me down.

  • I practice self-medication.

A message for all those facing life's challenges

To all those facing life challenges I want to first let you know that in life way are created to face challenges no matter what your challenges may be you shouldn't think of giving up or thinking you are the worst person on Earth.

Always put your trust and hope in God, and commit your life challenges to God who knows everything and who can solve every problem. Keep praying, and working towards overcoming your life challenges for tomorrow you will have a story to tell.

I invite:


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