Hello Everyone

Greetings from @shuly to all of you. I hope you're all doing well and having a great time.


In your view what is resilience, and how important is this quality?

Resilience is similar to a deep-rooted tree that henceforth firmly endures the harshest storm. Its rooted foundation helps it to be resilient to life's hard blows sitting intact after all of life's severe blows. This quality grounds a person with stability and gives hope between their life's turbulent seas.

Share your life experience with us and how you're thriving even with challenge (s)?

"Reflecting on my past experiences.", resilience played a very pivotal role, especially When the passing away of my father happened, I was left completely shattered and lost. Not knowing where to start from, what should be kept. Slowly, I picked myself up again and started moving on in my life. Now, I went busier in studies and business and stayed cool and normal. So it had been important for me to be steadfast in finding my way through the different opportunities or obstacles that would present themselves. All the difficulties I faced, somehow time and again managed to pull myself up and do well in life. Getting past that kind of such deep loss involves moving on with the heart forever changed. It is evident that through resilience, I have survived and thrived; growth nurtured in adversity's crucible.

What do you do to build resilience?

Resilience is not an event but a continuous pursuit that demands harbor of different strategies. Engaging relationships are crucial, providing a safety net for those who stumble. These relationships, whether it's a family, friend or support groups, reach comfort, empathy and tend to take the sting out of struggles, for they always make them seem like less of a lonely pursuit.
Another important feature is self-care. Cliched as that may sound, it carves ensuring physical and psychological health with optimal rest, complete food, and involvement in joyous or soothing activities. This restores energy providing revitalized insight towards challenges.

A message for all those facing life's challenges

A positive attitude must be maintained. This does not mean turning a blind eye towards the harsh realities of life but emphasis has to be laid on controllable aspects and finding hope, much like silver lines in every cloud. Such an outlook helps make a quicker recovery from setbacks.

Furthermore, this also means embracing change as an inerrant aspect of life. Accepting and adapting to the changes that are demanded smoothes the process of negotiating.

Thirdly, charting realistic goals and working towards them, even in minute contributions, massively boosts resilience. This is all about recognizing and celebrating every little success.

You are not alone in whatever you are facing right now. You may feel weak at some points but that is okay. Resilience doesn't mean one is indestructible or can never feel but includes validation of the emotions, permission to grieve or hurt however one should not be crippled by it forever.

See resilience as a journey not a destination. At each step, and with every setback, comes an opportunity for learning, for growth, and to become stronger. Be kind to yourself, afford yourself the needed time, and reach out for support when it's required.

Remember, human spirit is so very resilient. Inside you lie the power of determination that wants you to beat all the challenges of life. Just as a tree trembles and bends with the storm wind, but doesn't break at all. Similarly, you can also stand strongly against life's adversities. Keep moving forward, trusting in your ability to rise above trials. Your resilience is your power.

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